Few days ago I had installed the latest driver for my sound-card (Creative VIBRA 128). From then on my WMP 7.1 is not producing any sound. I can see the videos but there's no sound. But my winamp, DivX player and quicktime are working fine. Then I uninstalled WMP 7.1 and installed the latest WMP 9. But still no sound. I don't understand what is wrong with my WMP.

By the way my OS is win98SE. Any suggestions?? :rolleyes:

Does this happen regardless of what format of audio file you're trying to play?

I know it's obvious, but have you checked all of the places where volume/mixer settings could be adjusted? Sometimes it's just a question of your sound input/output settings getting a glitch and muting itself.

yes doesnt matter matter whether it is mp3, wma or asf my WMP doesnt produce any sound.

As I asked before- have you checked all of the possible programs/places where volume settings might be adjusted or affected? When you've got multiple sounds apps installed, they can sometimes interact with each other in strange ways. Settings can also get whacked when you upgrade drivers or the programs themselves; is there any documentation for the drivers on Creative's support site which might give some clues?

Well, I am not familiar with any other way I can adjust my volume settings apart from the windows volume settings. I do not have multiple sound apps -- not to my knowledge. I can see videos in my WMP but without any kind of sound. But whenever I try playing Audio files i get the following message from WMP:

Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device. There may not be a sound device installed on your computer, it may be in use by another program, or it may not be functioning properly.

From the error message My guess is that the problem is with the souncard not with the volume settings. My sound card is installed, it wasnt used by any other program at that time. But well ofcourse as the error message says the sound card may not function correctly. But if that so then how come my winamp, quicktime, real player work fine? Damn this computer thing never ever works properly!! :(

Well why didn't you tell us about the error in the first place?!?!? :mrgreen:

Right-click on My Computer, choose Proprties, and go to Device Manager. Are there any devices with a red X or yellow exclamation sign next to them? Expand the "Sound, video, and game controllers" section; what devices do you have listed there?

No no exclamataion points, neither red nor yellow...

Video volume level in sound properties?

I didnt see any "Video Volume level" in sound properties.I use win98SE.

Hi Guys, I am having the exact same problem as "Asif_NSU" and it looks like his problem was never solved.

My Windows Media Player (vers. 10) plays video, but NO SOUND. It doesn't matter what type of file or media I try to play, no sound ever comes out. Yet when I use any other application, sound works fine. e.g. QuickTime, Real Player, iTunes, WinAmp, etc.

I have upgraded all my drivers and they are fine. I tried uninstalling and re-installing WMP10 and that made no difference. All my audio settings are set to max volume and nothing is muted. I checked device manager and all drivers are installed correctly. No exclamation marks.

I am running Windows XP.

The problem started after i tried unsuccessfully to install a sound card onto my motherboard. It did not work so I went back to using the onboard soundcard om my motherboard and now have the above problems. What more can i do????

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