i kept getting a "need to close error" whenever i tired to open WMP so i uninstalled and reinstalled WMP10 and now well basically have this this error:

so i removed WMP from my add/remove progs. and installed it again but the thing is it says i have the most recent ver. of WMP10:


windows media isnt there and 9 is still installed for some reason can someone figure this out?

It's kind of odd to give an error message because there's nothing wrong with your version...
Try a virus scan.
Also, this isn't the XP forum, but close :).

it wont start at all and ive tried several virus scans this sucks ive had to revert to using WMP6 :sad: can this topic be moved to an XP area?

i kept getting a "need to close error" whenever i tired to open WMP so i uninstalled and reinstalled WMP10 and now well basically have this this error:

so i removed WMP from my add/remove progs. and installed it again but the thing is it says i have the most recent ver. of WMP10:


windows media isnt there and 9 is still installed for some reason can someone figure this out?

Hey there, not sure if you tryed or already fixed your problem but have you cleaned your Windows Registry?? dont know if it helps but it helped my friend with this same problem use the same program i gave him....if you didnt scan it 4 Registry Errors...

Registry Mechanic

Note:This will not clean ur whole Computer due to not haveing the full program.

well in ur case, try going to http://tinyurl.com/7dc5n
and search for : Registry Mechanic and find the correct name (you do not have to get the same verison) you can pick like 4.0 or something it will still work.

Hope this helps

well in ur case, try going to http://tinyurl.com/7dc5n
and search for : Registry Mechanic and find the correct name (you do not have to get the same verison) you can pick like 4.0 or something it will still work.

Hope this helps

http://tinyurl.com/7dc5n <<< are you sure this is safe? ever since i went to a crack site and got my computer infected i been advoiding those kind of sites.

http://tinyurl.com/7dc5n <<< are you sure this is safe? ever since i went to a crack site and got my computer infected i been advoiding those kind of sites.

Yes this is very safe Gouk262002, the actually website is www.CrackDB.com just go there and go to the right and you will see a search bar type in the program name and click search then it will bring up the results but pick the ones under the the site because like you just said some Crack sites are bad but i can go on them because im really not infected by them im protected by 2 programs McAfee 2006 & ZoneAlarm both full. and i also use the program im giveing you from PCtools. and it fixes my computer from all Windows Errors. (oh and when you say u was infected you was probly talking about Spyware and popups and things) SO i also have another good program from the same ppl PCtools its called Spyware Doctor check that out at they site www.PCtools.com anything you need let me know. and let me know if everything turns out good. (lol im only 16 lol is that odd??? JK)

Delete the WMP folder in program files. Then, uninstall the WMP format runtime. This might help...

Delete the WMP folder in program files. Then, uninstall the WMP format runtime. This might help...

how do you uninstall the format runtime?

Open Add/Remove Programs. If you have SP2, check the box labelled 'Show Updates'. If not, continue.
---For SP2---
Under the entry Windows XP - Software Updates, select Windows Media Runtime and click remove

---For non SP2---
Select Windows Media Runtime and click remove

Before reinstalling WMP, delete the folder 'C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player'

I'm sorry but this is really fucked! :mad:
look at this i deleted everything that had to do with windows media (and i don't really care if its important or not) and Ive tried to install WMP10 again now look what i get:
what is wrong with this blasted machine? i have windows XP SP2 why is it saying that i don't have it? arg so frustrating! :mad:

Try running Windows setup over your existing windows installation. Choose to upgrade instead of doing a clean install. Run WMP 10 setup once windows setup completes

Before installing Windows, search for and delete all instances of wmplayer.exe, setup_wm.exe, wmploc.dll and mplayer2.exe

Try running Windows setup over your existing windows installation. Choose to upgrade instead of doing a clean install. Run WMP 10 setup once windows setup completes

Before installing Windows, search for and delete all instances of wmplayer.exe, setup_wm.exe, wmploc.dll and mplayer2.exe

i know this is a stupid question but will the upgrade erase any of my files on my computer?

Only the ones related to WMP. That is to say, your media files won't go anywhere.

ok sorry about bringing this back up ive been busy moving and such
anyways i found my winXP install disc when i was unpacking and tried removing the files like you said...but these files WILL NOT DELETE AT ALL! its wired i delete them then 5 seconds later there back and the file folder wont delete....any ideas?

also i would like to know what this upgrade will exactly do to my files (sorry but i have alot of rare media and programs that i cant get back)

Been a while since Ive been here, but id suggest you first reinstall you OS and then reinstall WMP. This may sound drastic, but should take care of any file corruption problems you may have. Just make sure you choose upgrade, and not a clean install

Been a while since Ive been here, but id suggest you first reinstall you OS and then reinstall WMP. This may sound drastic, but should take care of any file corruption problems you may have. Just make sure you choose upgrade, and not a clean install

so...reinstalling my OS? whats gonna happen to my files?

nothing if you'll perform an upgrade

nothing if you'll perform an upgrade

im sorry really GE05 its just i used to rely on a friend to help me out with this kind of stuff and now hes moved away so the only way for him to communicate with me is IM but i havnt seen him around for awhile. so ill try this out tonight with my XP disc do i need to go through any steps or anything?

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