Could someone please explain why Windows Explorer is so insanely unstable? Vista32, 7-32, doesn't matter. WE will crash at the drop of a hat. It SUCKS. Let's right click on in the navigation pane. Oh, whoops!! All that crap just went byebye. It is an effing file manager!! How the hell can it be so crappy (other than being an M$ product). <sigh>

Possibly it's because of other "stuff" that you have loaded on your computer. Without knowing what else you have installed it's impossible to tell. I'm extremely careful as to what I install. If I want to try something new that is even remotely questionable I install it into a virtual machine and try it out for several weeks before I even consider putting it on my "real" machine. Perhaps you inadvertantly installed crapware along with legitimate software. Have you done a thorough anti-virus and anti-malware scan?

You might also try running the following in an Admin shell

sfc /scannow

Try using Firefox, Chrome, or Opera instead.

Try using Firefox, Chrome, or Opera instead.

Anything but IE. Out of curiosity which version of IE are you using?

Try using Firefox, Chrome, or Opera instead.

Anything but IE. Out of curiosity which version of IE are you using?

I don't think he's talking about Internet Explorer. I think he's talking about the file manager, Windows Explorer. I don't think Micrsoft thought the naming convention through well.

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