Hey there everyone...I'm having a wierd issue. My Windows Explorer Address bar is gone and I don't know how it happened (See below). This makes saving files rather irritating as I often use the address bar when I'm copying/pasting a directory structure in front of a filename to save myself a few seconds navigating to the desired folder. Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Thanks much!


Can you right click on the menu bar & restore it from there?

Damn how the hell did you do that, i tried to do it and couldn't, try going into control panel and going to folder options, and hit restore orginal and it should work.

Go into VIEW then into TOOL bar and EXPLORER Bar and you need to make sure everything you want to show gets checked off.:confused:

Yeah that would work, BUT he has no Menu or View Menu ;)

try right clicking over where it says folders and see if you will get options.

Nope, I can't right-click anywhere to get anything useful from a Windows Explorer perspective. I have nView on my computer (Nvidia software that comes with my laptop's graphics card), but it hasn't ever f---ed up Windows Explorer like this before.

Did you accidentally hit F11? F11 will put you in full screen mode.

HELL YEAH! That worked. I had to mess around with the view a bit, but I HAVE AN ADDRESS BAR AGAIN! Thanks much for your help Mean; not to mention everyone else who tried to assit me.

Hey there everyone...I'm having a wierd issue. My Windows Explorer Address bar is gone and I don't know how it happened (See below). This makes saving files rather irritating as I often use the address bar when I'm copying/pasting a directory structure in front of a filename to save myself a few seconds navigating to the desired folder. Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Thanks much!


hahaha that was dumb! So if I hit my F11 key, the bar vanishes. If I hit F11 Key again it reappears? I don't want to lose my bar either lmao but want to know how they fixed the problem

F11 will not make it dissapear like that .it still leaves some controls up there

Click on View, click on toolbar, and make sure address bar gets checked :)

There may be problems with the address bar not appearing if your toolbars are locked. Right click on the toolbar area and uncheck "Lock the toolbars". Then (making sure that the address bar is selected from view/toolbars) you should be able to move the file pane downwards by dragging to reveal the address bar.

OK, I have a similar problem:
I have my Adress bar just barely visible it's to the side of the standard buttons toolbar between two vertical grooves. The word Address is written there, but there aint no text box with the address to the right of it,
which is hardly surprising because there isnt enough room.
How on earth do I make it expand?
Trouble is everything is fixed and nothing can be shifted. There's lots of room to the side of that standard toolbar but I cant seem
to bring the other bars over or move them anywhere. Right mouse cllicking does nothing.
In my opinion this is a Microsoft design error, because it should not be that hard to find.

OOPS!! I just read that post that points out that you can unlock the toolbars.
Mmh... I still think this should not have been so hard.

OOPS!! I just read that post that points out that you can unlock the toolbars.
Mmh... I still think this should not have been so hard.

hi, remember right click is you best friend with most windows software

I can't find my address bar. Can someone please help me get my address bar back up. I really do need it, since i use to the back button key a lot to go back when i lose something. Any help here?

I was also having the issue and none of these solutions worked for me. Finally I figured it out myself. Right click what is remaining of the bar at the top and untick unlock the bar. Then simply drag down the line separating it from the actual content window and your search bar will appear. After you're done simply right click -> tick lock the bar.

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