I've gotten excellent help before, so I'm back for more!
I was being stupid last night and I accidently clicked when Windows was logging off (it was at the stage where everything was off the screen except my desptop background). It froze right then and there (is that normal?) so I reset my computer. I have a Syntax motherboard, apparently, and there's this certain sound I aim my ears to listen for because that's how I know my computer's starting up fine (it sounds like a driver or something). Sometimes that sound doesn't go off so I press DEL to go into the setup. Put it on safe mode (starts fine), restart, standard mode, and it usually goes. Would system restore help here at all? Sometimes at startup the "Windows did not start correct, which mode would you like blah blah blah" thing and I usually choose to start normally. Is this the right there to do? Any suggestions for this? It sometimes takes a few minutes to get the right sequence in and it's annoying.
Second part, my main concern!
Sometimes, all of a sudden, my computer starts going a bit slower than usual. I have Winamp running 99% of the time, and when I clock "play" no audio comes out (or in the recent case, the first two seconds played and then nothing). When I tried audio with iTunes, my computer just restarted all of a sudden (startup went fine, though, miracle, knock on wood!). When it gets to ADMIN, it tells me that Windows has recovered from a serious error. Here's the Greek I got:
BCCode : 1000008e BCP1 : C0000005 BCP2 : F95E0299 BCP3 : B7F716E8
BCP4 : 00000000 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 2_0 Product : 256_1
Can anyone tell me what's going on?
Sorry for rambling, but THANK YOU!