Hey everyone. I'm new here and like the title says I need some help. I recently began having problems with by DVD-RW drive. For some reason it won't read CD-RWs or DVD-RWs or DVD+Rs. It used too but suddenly it stopped working. The system just locks up until I eject the disc. Curiously the discs won't work on two other computers either. I think the problem started after I installed a MS update but I'm not sure which one and I don't really want to uninstall every update for the last four months.

It's a Memorex DVD-RW and I'm running XP.

Any help would be appreciated.


may be the proublr is in the disks not in you DVD-RW? any way delete DVD-RW device from the from device manager and then reboot the system, windows will automaticaly reinstall it.

may be the proublr is in the disks not in you DVD-RW? any way delete DVD-RW device from the from device manager and then reboot the system, windows will automaticaly reinstall it.

Very unlikely to be disks if he has used 3 different types. Try an original music cd see if it plays. If it does then you could have corrupt disks. Are they new or have they been copied onto?

Music CDs play as do regular DVDs. I've tried blank discs and get an insert disc message. It's both new and copied on discs. I'll try deleting from the device manager.


Try taking the disks and put them in the suspected drive and a drive on another computer. If neither read you know it's the disk. If one reads it, you've narrowed it to the drive. I agree with trying to reinstall the drive.

What troubleshooting steps have you taken so far?

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