Why should microsoft didnot do the proper update for Internet explorer.There is lot of problem of explorer

I have absolutely no idea what you are asking I'm afraid. Care to try again with a bit more detail perhaps?

I wonder if you could extend this to all browsers. I use "caniuse.com" and find issues with almost every major browser.

So here we are with issues, limitations, not everything is implemented and folks new to the scene asking why it's like that. I have to ask you why you think things are the way there are. so....

Do you know why things are like this? (as in how did we get here?)

I can't answer that question, but I have noticed that things are more like they are now than they have ever been.

I haven't used internet explorer in more years than I can count. In fact, didn't Microsoft kill it and replace it with Microsoft Edge or something in Windows 10?

commented: Yes Dani- as of Windows 10, MS has replaced IE wth MS Edge. -3

I think maybe the lack of any future iterations of Internet Explorer is what the OP is complaining about.

As other members here have already indicated, your original post ("Why should microsoft didnot do the proper update for Internet explorer.There is lot of problem of explorer") is very vague and does not give us any information that we can use to help you.
If you are still having problems with this issue, please post the following information:

  • The exact version of Windows that you are using.
  • The exact version of Internet Explorer that you are using.
  • The full and exact content of any and all error messages that you've seen that might relate to your initial complaint ("Why should microsoft didnot do the proper update for Internet explorer.There is lot of problem of explorer")

Also- please be aware that Microsoft has discontinued active support of Internet Explorer in favor of their new browser called "Microsoft Edge".

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