:!: My computer had a virus for months and i couldnt use it. it was called trojanhorse.exe or something like that. well, when my computer finally got fixed, my javascript stopped working and so did microsoft virtual machine. the error message says microsoft virtual machine cannot be found. class not registered. tell me how to make it work!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cry:

ummm, I'm not sure this will help but you have to try something anyway. Try updating all your windows updates... my machine used to do the same thing on a regular basis and updating seemed to fix it.

Sorry, I'll rephrase that. My machine used to do that after a fresh format and re-install of windows. and updating solved this issue.:cheesy:


My computer had a virus for months and i couldnt use it. it was called trojanhorse.exe or something like that. well, when my computer finally got fixed, my javascript stopped working and so did microsoft virtual machine. the error message says microsoft virtual machine cannot be found. class not registered.

One work-around is to download and install the Sun Java Runtime Engine--it's more compatible and complete, anyway.

JavaScript is a separate issue, actually. Even I didn't know that until recently. The browser controls that. I'm locked out of my Windows partition right now (don't ask). Maybe someone else could step you through that aspect.

thank you!!!!!!! i will tell u if it works.

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