I'm new to this so I don't know where to post this or anything. My computer started lagging one day then my virus scanner wouldn't load. I have tried many virus scanners, but they all give me an error. The one I have now is saying On Access scanner failed to start. I tried AVG and that only blinks then doesn't load. Can somone please help me. Thank you

Hi ,welcome to daniweb ,thry a online viruse scan to clean you computer ,sounds like you have something stoping your installed ones ,go here to trendmicro.its free and safe .

Caperjack, my son CArlh tried running trend, it doesn't work. Is there anything else that he can do? Thanks

It started laggin after that Windows Update mess up. And now won't load the virus scanner. It won't let me do an online one either.

It started laggin after that Windows Update mess up. And now won't load the virus scanner. It won't let me do an online one either.

Did you try a system restore back to a date before the windows update messup

Also, be sure you have ActiveX controls enabled before running TrendMicro.

IF that doesn;t work, use a PandaScan.

Finally, if that doesnt work, try a differnet browser.

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