WIndows 11 is soon getting out. Are you planning to move to Windows 11? I like its features especially Snap Layouts. But I know it can be used on Windows 10. Which other Windows 11 can be used in Windows 10?

I'v e been running Windows 11 in a virtual machine for some weeks now. I haven't seen anything that would

  1. Entice me to want to update
  2. Discourage me from updating

In other words, "meh". They changed the start menu.


At least this time it was not another "where thge hell is everything?" change.

commented: Meh too! +16

i've been running the ARM version on an M1 Mac with Parallels and wow, is it fast.
As a Mac user I love the new look with the soft corners etc - the blocky graphics of 10 look just like Windows 95 but without the hardware limitations to justify it. Welcome to the 2020's.
The taskbar looks OK, like the Mac dock, but it's fixed along the bottom which is dumb dumb dumb. My screen is 3440x1440 which means I have loads of space at both sides but vertical size is still never big enough.
The memory protection stuff would be a good enough reason the upgrade, but it's a shanme that they didn't do more (eg copy Mac Big Sur with all the system files running from a read-only partition).
Did I say that even under emulation it's really fast on ARM?

I love the new look with the soft corners etc

Maybe, but in a couple of years we can expect MS to just change it back because, you know, change. They gave us Aero because it was the wave of the future. Then they took it away (went flat) because flat was the wave of the future. Then later on Aero features started creeping back in. None of these things had anything to do with functionality (other than Aero reducing functionality because it was a bit of a resource hog). Microsoft is the new fashion industry.

I want an OS to be responsive, secure, and functional. Does Windows 11 improve on any of these things?

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