So between my boyfriend and I we consider ourselves more computer savvy then the average joe.
We have a friend whose computer had been sitting for 3+ years and we are trying to get it up and running again.
Atm, we are trying to install windows on a brand new HD yet whenever we "click any button to boot from CD" the computer resets itself. It has done this over and over now.
We have set BIOS to boot from the CD/ROM. Earlier today it wouldn't reset- it would get stuck at "System config. is inspecting your computer's hardware"
We have tride different CD drive, different HD no luck.
Right now my bf is switching out mobos and we are also going to try different ram as well.
Yesterday we recieved the blue screen of death with errors like "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA" "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL"
I have searched and searched for solutions, but they are just not adding up. So i am at your mercy!