Everytime i shut down my PC everything is ok. When i startup the pc it dosen't startup after reading the CD-ROM's. What should i do to stop that?

Thanks and answer as soon as possible,

Everytime i shut down my PC everything is ok. When i startup the pc it dosen't startup after reading the CD-ROM's. What should i do to stop that?

Thanks and answer as soon as possible,

whats on the cdrom its reading and why is it reading it .

The CD-ROMS have nothing, It just has to validate if they work.

Have you gone into your BIOS to make sure that your PC is set to boot from the hard drives first? Maybe a better question is have you been messing with BIOS settings at all? Your PC does not need to see the CDROM drives to boot, so you could always go at this the hard way and disconnect those drives physically, reboot and see what happens. I believe you are going to find your solution in your BIOS settings. Depending on what model you are using, usually the delete key, F1, F2, or F-something will get you into the BIOS during the POST - on Dell computers, you will see it listed on the screen somewhere along the way during power-on self-test. I hope this helps.


Have you gone into your BIOS to make sure that your PC is set to boot from the hard drives first? Maybe a better question is have you been messing with BIOS settings at all? Your PC does not need to see the CDROM drives to boot, so you could always go at this the hard way and disconnect those drives physically, reboot and see what happens. I believe you are going to find your solution in your BIOS settings. Depending on what model you are using, usually the delete key, F1, F2, or F-something will get you into the BIOS during the POST - on Dell computers, you will see it listed on the screen somewhere along the way during power-on self-test. I hope this helps.


Look. It boots from the hard drive always and i din't mess with the BIOS setttings. I sometimes boot from a Linux live cd and if i want to boot from a CD i have to presss F8 but it's default boot source is the hard drive.. It checks for a bootable floppy but i never use it so that does not interfere.

My manufacturer is CODEGEN but they disguise my pc as manufactured by Super Power.

It's a power problem but i need help to fix it.

I got my motherboard changed so it's fixed

Thank goodness :)

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