I've been pondering over how I can set my virtual memory to actually stay set at the level I set it at. It seems as if it's being a teeny bit stubborn.

I normally get informed that it will be increased automatically but then I thought "What's the point of getting this annoying message when I can set it at that level permanently?"

So the Initial Size is normally 318MB - that's the recommended amount. The Maximum Size is about 768MB and my game needs 500MB so I decided to set it to 500MB. So I done it and pressed Set about 5 times to make sure. Then I restarted and everything was running smoothly.

But afterwads, it went back to its Initial Size which was a bummer and I tried to set it back to 500MB but it still showed 318MB so I didn't know what to do other than try and see what the problem is.

My Specs:

Microsoft XP Professional

Service Pack 2

Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.26Ghz

2.27Ghz. 256MB RAM

I've attached a file so you can have a look if you wish.

Hi there

Others may differ but my rule of thumb is at least a minimum of 512 megs of ram is required before making changes to the Paging file or Virtual memory.

Get another 256 megs they are cheap and you will see the difference straight away.


South Africa

It is win's default page file size - 150% of your phisycal RAM. Did you notice if it was back to "system managed size"? And is it on the right partition? You can have 2 page files on 2 partitions.

Also, you have to restart the computer after changing the page file settings.

It is win's default page file size - 150% of your phisycal RAM. Did you notice if it was back to "system managed size"? And is it on the right partition? You can have 2 page files on 2 partitions.

Urm, it doesn't go back to System Managed file, it goes back to the Initial Size. What I don't get is that it has stayed set before and sometimes does stay set for a while and then it goes back on itself.

Also, you have to restart the computer after changing the page file settings.

I tried that lol and that makes it worse sometimes.

Hi there

Others may differ but my rule of thumb is at least a minimum of 512 megs of ram is required before making changes to the Paging file or Virtual memory.

Get another 256 megs they are cheap and you will see the difference straight away.


South Africa

Urm, isn't there any other way? Because I don't really know how much this would cost me to do.

Roughly...~$50. Maybe more.

yeah, i agree with xcellpro6 on this one. an extra 256mb of ram will give you an immense performance boost.

You have an intel celeron processor, clocked pretty fast, so i'm going to assume that you have a laptop?

if this is the case, unless you can find detailed instructions, i would not attempt to upgrade your ram by yourself. take your laptop up to bestbuy and have them do it for you.

if it is a desktop though, double check with your manufacturer about the specs (type, speed, etc.) of your ram, they may even have offers for you to buy memory upgrades from them. Having ram of the same speed will give you the optimum performance boost. again, like with the laptop, you are guaranteed of the compatibility if you take it to bestbuy and have them do it, but it is relatively simple to upgrade your ram in a desktop.

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