pic1 - Im wondering if it's safe to delete those.

pic2 - I'm 95% sure those came with a family members digital camera.

pic3 - I researched that file some and am pretty sure it's software that came along with winzip or winace.

pic4 - I'm unsure if CDDB entrys are windows based or came with winamp.

pic5 - This is obviously safe to delete, correct?

Wow a lot of questions I can't answer give it a day or so see if we can get a registry expert in here.

I would just leave well enough alone.

The registry is so large and encompassing that if you were to trim everything that you didn't need from it, of course the registry would be smaller, but you would sacrifice your sanity and well-being trying to clean it out. There's no reason to be so anally-retentive about a few bytes in your registry.

Download regclean from here...you'll see more results with this than you will manually spelunking the registry I'm sure.


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