Hi everyone.
In the last days i experienced a big trouble with the stored data on my c partion of a maxtor 160gb hdd.
The problem occurred and started with a strange crash when i was simply exploring a directory in win xp 2005 media center.
When i saw the screen freezed i tried ctrl+al+canc but this caused a reboot of system instead of the task manager's window .
When the system rebooted it showed an error about a file missing or corrupted in \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM.
I tried the restoring console from the install cd and i typed chkdsk with no additional parameters and sorrily a random systemroot command in c:. The chkdsk found one or more irreversible errors in the hdd and apparently stopped at 50% when showing the right capacity instead.
After the reboot of the machine the error message changed to a missing or corrupted HAL.DLL.
Then the problem is, since i really can't lost my data guiltily having no backup of my data, that i can't even type dir with a good response from the OS, the data seems invisible even from another win xp installation on a new harddrive.
The hdds are sata, and i can't have them to work as slaves on my machine because of i haven't slave ports.
From my researches the problem seems to be at least in a corrupted MBR, how can i restore my data on another hdd?
at this point i'm about to try some of these solutions:
1.Knoppix to get the data from the raw partition (because it says -raw- in xp)
2. Trying a program like getdataback
Please help me also with instructions if needed, thank in advance at least for reading my crying about this.