Hey guys,
I have a question regarding file serving. I live in a frat house with 50 other guys. We have an email list to communicate, but recently, I have decided that I want to set up some type of file server. A simple FTP server would be great, or a Usenet server could work also.
Is there a way to easily do this in our house. We are all connected to the Internet via a huge router in our basement, but we do not have administritive power on the router, it is set up so our ISP can have more control on our internet. I have talked to our ISP about a server, and they said that it should work, I would just have to keep in mind that IP addresses are reassigned every month or so.
I have tried installing an ftp server on my computer, but I find that other computers cant connect. I really dont know to much about this topic.
Is there an easy way to set up a local newsgroup server or an ftp server? We actually dont want out of house access, since this violates the terms of use with our ISP. Can someone just describe a way to simply share files amongst the house? Ive originally had an ftp server in mind, but lately, I have been thinking that it would be great if this new server could replace our Yahoo email group. Something such as a newsgroup would be great, or, a web server that had a local website for the house to have access to.
If people could give me any insight, or at least point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it. I really just have no hands on experience with this subject, and despite my efforts and my reading, a simple solution eludes me.
Thank you.