I am running Microsoft windows XP service pack 2, 1.8GHz,256 MB of ram, Dell Dimension 8200, gforce ti 200 64mg ram video card. Ok here is my problem everthing was fine I intalled a game(The mark)Says game wont play without directx 9.0c, and it wont play because its not reading my directx. I ran dxdiag and it says version 9.0c. Reports no errors and passes all test. Tried reinstalling 9.0c and the same. Then tried to install the game(The Godfather) and get the same results. Why doesnt these games read my directx 9.0c. Have not tried but maybe all games reqireing directx.

gforce ti 200 64mg ram video card.

It could be that it's not the DirectX that's the problem, but your videocard. My 'old' GeForce 4 doesn't support pixelshading, so I think your GeForce3 (?) doesn't either. This could be the reason that the games won't start. Try disabling pixel-shading in the options from the game if that's possible.

Thanks for the info Nick! I think you are right. Because I just down loaded swat 4 from newsbin pro, witch is a pretty new game that requires directx 9.0c and has detected it. And you are right! OLD! need to spend the big bucks and really get a new system.

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