Hi there!
I just recently had to replace my motherboard and now I have no sound. I don't even know what to look for in the device manager. There are things listed under sounds( audio codecs, legacy audio drivers, legacy video capture devices, media control devices, video codecs), but I don't know what they are or if I even still have a sound card or onboard sound. My motherboard is supposed to be an ASUS M2V but in device manager it says something about viatech. I do have places on the back of the computer to plug in a microphone and speakers. As you can tell, I don't know much about fixing computers. I know enough to be dangerous but I really don't want to mess this up since I finally have everything sort of "fixed". I kept my hard drive but the guys who installed my motherboard said I should re-install windows, which I did, but I'm having trouble with some of my software so I'm sure I did something wrong when I installed it. Thanks for any help you can give me. Sorry to be so tech challenged!


Hi there!
I just recently had to replace my motherboard and now I have no sound. I don't even know what to look for in the device manager. There are things listed under sounds( audio codecs, legacy audio drivers, legacy video capture devices, media control devices, video codecs), but I don't know what they are or if I even still have a sound card or onboard sound. My motherboard is supposed to be an ASUS M2V but in device manager it says something about viatech. I do have places on the back of the computer to plug in a microphone and speakers. As you can tell, I don't know much about fixing computers. I know enough to be dangerous but I really don't want to mess this up since I finally have everything sort of "fixed". I kept my hard drive but the guys who installed my motherboard said I should re-install windows, which I did, but I'm having trouble with some of my software so I'm sure I did something wrong when I installed it. Thanks for any help you can give me. Sorry to be so tech challenged!


if you have built in sound card/un-board sound ,the drivers should have come with the new board .,if not
Download the 2.0 version of everest here and install it and check the
multimedia section to find out what sound device you have ,let me know .

Here's a few questions:

Is your new mainboard the same as your old mainboard? If the answer is no, locate the driver cd for the new mainboard and use it to install the drivers for it's onboard sound. If the answer is yes, then you may need to go into BIOS and turn onboard sound on. Read your mainboard manual for the instructions on how to do this. And since you have reinstalled windows you may need to install the drivers anyway.

As for your new mainboard being Asus but reporting VIA Technologies, this is of no concern. Asus makes mainboards. They incorporate chipsets from other vendors instead of making their own. The Asus M2V mainboard uses a VIA Technologies chipset. Other chipset vendors include Intel and Nvidia.

And just for future reference: Whenever you change out your mainboard you should backup any data prior to replacing if you can. Then after replacing the mainboard, format your hard drive and reinstall Windows and drivers and software. The only time you will normally get away without having to reinstall Windows is if the board you replace with is the exact same board. The reason for this is because the mainboard contains so many "devices" that may be, and usually are, different, that it can overload and/or corrupt the Windows registry finding and installing drivers for everything.

Hope this helps,

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