
I have just recently installed IE7 on two machines. After installing it the pc's have been running a bit slower. After uninstalling IE7 I got these problems: The computers freezes and resets and there are constant messages saying that you need to use the windows cd and repair the windows registry, which i then have to boot my pc from the cd first. Even though it "repairs", the same problems occur. I've seen a similar problem with someone using and AMD Athlon 64 which is what my pc's are using. I dont know if its hardware related but I know its ever since I installed IE7.

Anyone getting the same issues? Does anyone know how to fix the problem?

Thankyou in advanced

IE7 is not good
use firefox
use system mechanic 7 trial from Iolo.com to fix registry problems

Try doing a system restore prior to the date that you installed IE7. I've been reading about all kinds of problems associated with M$'s new browser, it seem that M$ has yet again dumped one of their programs on the unsuspecting public to debug it for them.

This is another reason that I will not go back to IE, I don't have any problems with Firefox.

Thanks. Ive tried system restores and there are still problems. IE7 is yet another typical MS product.

I used system mechanic 7 but the same problems still exist. IE7 has changed some settings and files or left some files behind. Do you know how to find and delete these files? thanks

fire up system mechaninc again and then go to uninstall software
and instead of going to the regular tab go to uninstall unliisted programs and look for IE7[ uninstalling non listed programs can be found in freeup drivespace>uninstall unlisted software then the tab in there.]
if IE7 is not there REINSTALL IT then try to uninstall it by that way so it makes sure it uninstalles everything that has to do with IE7 and i mean everything
and please tell me you are browsing daniweb with FIREFOX 2.0

Sounds to me, that when you uninstalled, you deleted some necessary files that would allow it to fall back to IE 6.0. I preformed the same without a hitch.

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