
I recently bought a new PC w/Win MCE. I would like to transfer my accounts, security settings, and Group Policies from the old PC w/Win XP Pro. I have read that I can use the settings and files transfer wizard, but I am not clear about what is transfered, and what's not. Are all accounts transfered? If not, what is the best thing I can do so every user including the Administrator doesn't have to expend a lot of time configuring the PC again, including Group Policies customization?

Thanks in advance,

you had GP setting at a home PC? way to go :)
anyhow, there is a tool called user account migration assistant, or something of the sorts. supposed to ship with XP since sp1

Yes, because of past experiences with spyware, I have tried to control a few things thru GP so my daughters can't change some settings, or install programs.

The app should be User State Migration Tool 3.0. I read that it needed Windows Server 2003, however, I did not find anything else, so I will try anyway.

you could use the files and settings transfer wizard too i think

You can use FILES AND SETTINGS TRANSFER but you have to be logged into the profile that you want to use it on. So what I'm relating here is that if you have, let's say, 3 profiles....you'd have to log into each and run the WIZARD once for each profile respectively. So you'd have 3 different FILES AND SETTINGS BACKUPS

and? whats the problem with that - its a home pc so its hardly gonna have loads of accounts

No problem, just didn't want the user with the initial post to just run it under 1 profile and think that it'd grab everything from all the profiles. Had a user do that before and then formatted and lost info lol... I was just kinda agreeing with you and just making sure that EDWIN wouldn't make that mistake.

No problem, just didn't want the user with the initial post to just run it under 1 profile and think that it'd grab everything from all the profiles. Had a user do that before and then formatted and lost info lol... I was just kinda agreeing with you and just making sure that EDWIN wouldn't make that mistake.

Joshua, I truely appreciate your remarks. It's good to have detailed instructions, not assuming the other knows everything else.

Thank you all for your replies. I certainly got a better picture now. The documentation at Microsoft for that doesn't get to that detail, at least as far as I went. There are 6 accounts only, including Admin. I am in the process of loading the software, and by next week I expect to finish the process. I will post the outcome here.


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