Um... just wondering if any of you could help me out with this

I have three user accounts on this computer. I have never put any passwords on it.

Recently, whenever I try to "switch user" (Fast User Switching and the Welcome screen are on), I click on another user account and it'll ask me for a password. But I don't have any passwords.

Sometimes it'll let me by just by clicking the green arrow, and sometimes it won't.

What do I do to just make it GO AWAY? It's annoying the crap out of me, and sometimes it locks me out of the computer accidentally.

I have the newest version of McAfee installed, if that's a clue to anything... apparently this happened when the new revamped version updated. I don't really know if it's McAfee or not though, trying to put "extra security" on the computer.

Thanks in advance,


have you gone to users, in control panel and access each use to remove password if one exists

I have.

In fact, I've gone to the Security settings too and checked the password length. It's 0 (no password).

Like I said, I've never put any passwords for logon on this computer. Ever.


I have encountered the exact same problem recently. Not sure when it started, but my guess is two or three weeks ago. I did not install McAfee, so I'm guessing that is not your problem.

For me, I have 2 user accounts for me and my wife. When I select "switch user" to log into the other account to check email or something very quick, i get to the welcome screen where it prompts me for a password which I don't have set up. I usually have to resort to rebooting the computer since I can't log into any of the accounts.

One other thing to note... I went into control panel and set up a password for my user account. After doing so, tried switching users,
and it prompted me for the password. Trying this, the password that I had configured also didn't work. I still had to reboot the machine.
So i went back and deleted the password and have the same problem as before.


I have.

In fact, I've gone to the Security settings too and checked the password length. It's 0 (no password).

Like I said, I've never put any passwords for logon on this computer. Ever.

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