I just recieved the Dell Vista upgrade in the mail. My question is: is it legal or even possible to install a "Dell" vista upgrade on a non-Dell machine?

Only reason i am asking is I have no interest in upgrading to vista. I am just wondering about possible re-sale value.

Thanks for your help,


its illegal to install it on non dells
it may or may not be possible

thanks for the quick reply

its illegal to install it on non dells
it may or may not be possible

it is 'not' possible. the dell upgrades are proprietary. they won't work properly if you have any non-dell stuff installed. at least, in theory. I don't know anyone who owns a dell anymore.

I don't know anyone who owns a dell anymore.

LOL, you say that like there is something wrong with Dell !Here on the east coast of Canada they are selling like hot cakes, every home i go into to fix a computer ,Its a Dell .They are in Banks ,Government department buildings,grocery store checkouts and so on,they everywhere .

You could try selling it to a Dell owner .I doubt very much its just for your Dell.

yeah but sometimes properiatary thuigs actually do work

ive got a dell os recovery cd (winxp) , which works fine in non dell pcs

yeah but sometimes properiatary thuigs actually do work

ive got a dell os recovery cd (winxp) , which works fine in non dell pcs

just had to try it ,i have a dell recovery also ,just used it to install winxp home on a computer i just built missmatch of new and old parts,it worked fine ,to top it off i use a xp home key from an old non working ibm laptop i have kicking and it also worked .!!!

there is actually a way to isntall vista on a clean hdd with the upgrade cd.

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