Hello. I'm having this issue where my computer keeps crashing to the blue screen. It used to restart on its own and I disabled that option, so now I get the blue screen, which I guess is a little bit better since maybe the error information is useful. It usually happens when I'm usuing or closing IE7.

I've checked on some other forums but it was a lot of speculation about drivers and harware incompatibilities. I hope someone can find some time to help me with this. I'd be very appreciative.

I've ran updates and scans hoping that would help but so far I'm missing the mark.

P4 2.3gHz hyperthread.., Abit IS7E mobo, 512mb RAM, nvidia Ti4200 128mb video card, sbLive, cable connection

A full list of stop error and how to fix them here .the full error like this part [0x00000009: IRQL_NOT_GREATER_OR_EQUAL]is important in finding the help needed .

Did you install anything prior to this happening or do anything significant prior to the problem?
Try using firefox instead of IE, did you do a windows upgrade recently?,

oh dear just found this http://www.hardwareanalysis.com/content/topic/5695/?o=0 seems its a forum favourite

I would reinstall the operating system at least you will know then if its hardware or software

Without knowing what the error message is I shouldn't cast undo disparity on IE7, but... it is interesting the number of hits I found when I googled blue screen and IE7.

A full list of stop error and how to fix them here .the full error like this part [0x00000009: IRQL_NOT_GREATER_OR_EQUAL]is important in finding the help needed .

Thanks, Caperjack,

I found that Micro$oft has an 'upgrade' to fix it. I ran that last weekend, but I won't know for sure for a while as I only go home on the weekends right now, but so far it was looking like it fixed it.

Thanks, Caperjack,

I found that Micro$oft has an 'upgrade' to fix it. I ran that last weekend, but I won't know for sure for a while as I only go home on the weekends right now, but so far it was looking like it fixed it.

Your welcom,hope the patch works for you .

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