I came to Europe, on vacation to my uncle's house.. He has
a computer and I've been on it many times.. when I check
out sites their HTML coding, etc.. comes out weird.. like
every site i've visited is only neon green in color for
the links.. Their HTML coding is basically messed up on my
computer/browser.. I've tried Internet Options, Encoding
(which by the way is at Western European - Windows).. but
it still comes out like that. My uncle had Microsoft
Internet Explorer 5.. I thought that was the problem but
when I downloaded and installed the updated version of 6
it was the same.. If you guys don't know what I'm talking
about i've uploaded a print screen image for you to see..
This is an example.. I visit the Angelfire page here, and
this is how their page looks on my Uncle's computer..
http://www.angelfire.com/nc3/pwa/printedscreen.jpg (copy
and paste)
How can I fix this? I just want to know on how I can regularly visit sites, with the correct result of their coding.