When I am already on internet explorer, I keep getting a message that say internet explorer must shut down. I am asked if I want to report the error and I do. Does anyone know why this happens? I can go to a site, but if I try to open something in the site I get the error message, if I am on a site and want to minimize and open a different site I get the message. I have downloaded the most recent version, I ran my anti-virus (norton) and still this frustrating problem. I am running XP

How long has this been happening? Did you do anything in particular right before you first noticed it? Have you visited http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com and downloaded all of the latest Windows and IE patches?

In the last few days. I downloaded all updates for Windows and IE. When I am asked if I want to report this error to IE I do, A more info appears and tells me that I should go to the site and download a patch 6sp1 I think it was. I download and the prblem is till happening.

Microsoft didn't prepared a good patch - i believe.

actually, MSIE patches are designed to patch
security vulnerabilities instead of solving crashes.
and reporting crash info to MSIE is generally
wasting bandwidth.

i suggest you use Win2003.

Try reinstalling IE6. If you downloaded it from windows update, the setup file should be in C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\ie6setup.exe

I'm having the EXACT same problem...I'm thinking it's the new download, cause it didn't do it NEAR as often as it does now...

I had the same situation with Internet Explorer stating that it had a problem and needed to shut down. What I had to do to fix it was uninstall a program called TopText from Ezula. To uninstall, go to www.ezula.com/toptext/help.asp for instructions. It's easy to get rid of. I hope this takes care of your problem.

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When I am already on internet explorer, I keep getting a message that say internet explorer must shut down. I am asked if I want to report the error and I do. Does anyone know why this happens? I can go to a site, but if I try to open something in the site I get the error message, if I am on a site and want to minimize and open a different site I get the message. I have downloaded the most recent version, I ran my anti-virus (norton) and still this frustrating problem. I am running XP

This may well be related to another IE thread - see


I have had the same problem the start of which co-incided with this "Cool Web Search" thread - I have just run CWSshredder which has removed 10 infected files - I hope this will solve the probem - time will tell. The link to CWSshredder


is given in Dave 987's contribution. It is very fast to download and run. I suggest you check out the article and if other sympoms are common it may well be worth running.

When I try to open my Ie, it immediately responds by saying it has encountered a problem, and needs to close. I recently received a message that the gaobot worm was found on my computer, but after installing patches and running norton, I couldn't find it. After install, Ie ran for about 15 seconds before it was forced to close again. Are there any other removal tools I can run to combat gaobot? I am runnng XP. Thanks much.

When I am already on internet explorer, I keep getting a message that say internet explorer must shut down. I am asked if I want to report the error and I do. Does anyone know why this happens? I can go to a site, but if I try to open something in the site I get the error message, if I am on a site and want to minimize and open a different site I get the message. I have downloaded the most recent version, I ran my anti-virus (norton) and still this frustrating problem. I am running XP

I personally use the Opera browser because it has NONE of the security problems that IE does, & it's a lot faster too. What I would recommend for those who are experiencing problems with security, unwanted popup windows etc, is to download MYIE2 from here It runs on the IE engine so no settings have to be changed. You can also download skins to give it a different look & feel.

How long has this been happening? Did you do anything in particular right before you first noticed it? Have you visited http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com and downloaded all of the latest Windows and IE patches?

I'm having the same problem and have applied all the patches, updates, etc. The problem just started yesterday for no particular reason. What do you suggest I do?

I'm having the same problem and have applied all the patches, updates, etc. The problem just started yesterday for no particular reason. What do you suggest I do?

Hi & welcome to the forums. You would be better served by starting your own thread as you will not be buried at the end of someone else's where ppl will think you are replying & not seeking help.
Include more detail of the problems you are encountering including OS, IE version, error messages, etc.

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