Just recently I noticed that my internet explorer was running VERY SLOW. It's not the speed that websites load but it's the speed that I try to browse them at. When I scroll down it takes AGES for the display to update and can take up to 15seconds or more to highlight just a single word!
When I hover over links that change colour it can take a LONG time to change colour. I have never had this trouble before and it has always ran very smoothly...
I'm running Windows ME (sigh) on a 1ghz Celeron (sigh) with 384MB SD RAM (another sigh)...
Please help! My browsing experience is going DOWN HILL!!!!
EDIT: One other thing I noticed: When I go to view, toolbars there is this strange one at the bottom called: aqeetrrstmc ?!?! What the hell is this?
And also when I shutdown my computer and reboot the default home page goes to a new address and it has about:blank on the end (about:blank is what I had set before).
And also when I type in a wrong URL, instead of going to the usual MSN Search it has changed and goes to Quicksearch.com...!
I think that's it!