receiveing a BSOD whenever i try to shut down my computer

wondering if anyone could tell me what driver is causing it (its an IRQL not less or equal error)

here's the minidump:

Please list the error code, my winrar free trial expired and I'm not interested in pursuing it at this time.

that is .dmp file that you zipped up. how to read that??

The icon that is shown is for WinZip, I have WinZip and it tells me that I may need another tool to open that file.

Seriously...if you wish to get some help here just provide us with the error message.

i dont use the computer any longer so

i think the zip wont open because i zipped it using winrar, ill use windows and repost it

sorry for the annoyance!

here it is:

Are you using Vista? please not...
and any Sony devices? or picture package?

you do not need WinRAR to open .rar files.

both sony and picture package, theyre both made by sony

well I've read a little bit on the net.
but long story short this guy
deinstalled it (sony software) at the end.
it was stated that some win hotfix could be the cause.
maybe you'll find something on, I doubt

if you do not use it, deinstall it, if you do use it deinstall every april hotfix (5/april-10; 1/april-3) separately and reboot each time. as it will crash let the pc boot and shut it down again to see if it is gone. if not deinstall the second one and so on.

931261 probably the badass


thanks a lot

your work is appreciated

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