Hello, I need some help please =)
Yesterday I was streaming a video online and all of a sudden my audio quit working. I thought maybe it was the video, so I played another video and still no audio. I closed out Internet Explorer and tested my audio by playing a song in Windows Media Player...no audio. I restarted my computer and then everything was fine. What would cause my audio to suddenly stop working? I have the latest driver. Oh, and my audio is integrated...not a card.
Then, this morning when I started up my computer, I got a blue screen that said "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL." I have had this message in the past (long story) and I know it can be related to a device driver. So, I am thinking maybe my audio driver is no good? Device manager is claiming that everything is working properly. I am not sure if this blue screen and the audio issue are even related, but it seemed coincidental.
And yes, I do know that this blue screen message can also be related to RAM, but I have brand new memory and I have already tested it with Memtest86 and with Microsoft's mem test.
I have recently formatted my computer because of this darn blue screen that I had been getting pretty much every morning when I turned on my PC. I guess it didn't help and now I am back to square one.
Any ideas?
Thanks =)