I have a document that needs to be filled out. To help the user input all the correct information that goes on the form, I built a user form. On enter, the information gets transferred to the form. To accomplish this I use this statements like the ones below:
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("NAME").range.InsertBefore txtName
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("ADDRESS").range.InsertBefore txtAddress
This works great because I have separate bookmarks for Name and Address. But, what if I just have one bookmarks called "DATA":
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("DATA").range.InsertBefore txtNetWeight _
& vbTab & txtCostPerLbs & vbCrLf
After this gets put on the document, I ask the users if he needs to input data again. If he clicks on Yes, then:
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("DATA").range.InsertBefore txtNetWeight _
& vbTab & txtCostPerLbs & vbCrLf
BUT, here's the problem. I need the second set of data to be inserted below the first line that is already on the document. What happens instead is that it gets inserted above the line that is already on the document.
Any ideas? :roll: