So, the other day, I had tried to uninstall a program and by doing so, had lost or affected a folder on my hard drive that I wanted. I tried to do a System Restore and it froze up, for over an hour, it sat on the green initialization screen, so I turned the Computer off by holding the power button... was able to reboot but now, system restore doesn't work for any restore point.

Then, yesterday a new problem started. After leaving my computer idle for about 10-15 minutes, I will come back and it is running the CPU at 100%, both processors, on a duo core. The program that it appears is causing this is DfrgNtfs.exe, which never caused a problem until just the other day, now it happens all the time... The last thing I remember doing before it started doing this, was installing Magentic Screensaver software from Incredimail (damn free software), which I have since uninstalled... however, I am still having an issue. The screensaver on my Vista has never worked since day 1 either, if set to 10 minutes, I can leave the computer for hours and it never comes on!
The DfrgNtfs.exe uses 50% of the CPU and another process, NT Kernel & system uses the other 50%. Any help would be appreciated... this computer and Vista are really getting to me!

I feel for you my friend. I built a new pc in february, bought vista 32 bit home premium, first it was active x, then java, then I downloaded and installed adobe acrobat to view files online, installing adobe was a real pain. I kept getting a message they it was in a temporary folder thats not accessable or is on another drive ( only one hard disk was connected). I have had to re-install vista on my new pc 13 times before figiuring that adobe is the very first thing I need to install before all else. Then there's macromedia flash player.. that was a bitch to get running. I installed it, but no video files would play. Finally got it working. Then there's active x controls... those were so messed up I couldn't do anything in IE 7. If Microsoft is going to charge $300 for this piece of crap OS, they need to include things like Macromedia flash player, adobe, microsoft works, java, and such with the OS. They also only offer 90 day free help, a new pc always comes with at least a year of manufacturers services, after which you pay them for an extended warranty or fix problems yourself. I think with any new OS a year is a sufficient amount of time for customers to continue to get support until the kinks have been worked out. Microsoft Windows Vista is garbage.

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A beautiful grabage...

i have had problems installing adobe acrobat reader on my vista computer, any help out there?

to rocki start a new thread and put the error ode in the thread.

Right first valuable lesson learnt never install freeware.

Have you tried booting into safe mode and trying system resotre from there to do this press f8 when the comp is booting and it will come up.

If not insert the vista cd go past the first screen language selction then on the second screen is the repair option.

Try system restore from there and also fix start up problems.

Right DfrgNtfs.exe, is windows defrag running when your computer is idle sort of a self cleaning process to rearnage your files to make your comp quick.

Go to start then type defrag and open if it is scheulded disable it.

If this doest work then.....

To disable it go to start then type REGEDIT

Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOptimizeFunction

Change the value of the key "Enable" from Y to N

Let me know how u get on dont know about windows screensavers but you could try going to add remove programs then windows features unistall them reboot then reinstall them if thats an option!

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