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213 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for lilhokie

WPD stands for Windows Portable Device. It's the driver that allows you to treat your CF and MS cards and USB sticks as a devices for Media Syncing. It is also required for ReadyBoost to work. You could disable the device but you probably wanna use it. It sounds like …

Member Avatar for ron_10
Member Avatar for jessy3225

[QUOTE=minimoongirl;435246]my pc won't start up the windows failed to start successfully screen comes up with the options i've tried all options including safe mode and last known good configuration and it does start up it goes right back to the windows failed to start screen what am i supposed to …

Member Avatar for bubba123
Member Avatar for aripaka

any thoughts on solairs?? just thought I would open the debate to unix!! ps i love vista think its a good o/s for everyday users and i love linux/unix too but you need to have a lot more knowledge then most everyday users have to make it work the way …

Member Avatar for itexamstube
Member Avatar for jackknob

It might be to do with your lease this is just a stab in the dark but have heard of this problem before and this resolved it, same symptons.

Member Avatar for digioz
Member Avatar for Katherine692008

hi, Have you checked that the card is firmly in place try removing it from the motherboard then reseating it. Then go to device manager and see if it shows up. It might be that the card has died though in which case you will need to buy a new …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for qrias

me to with a maxtor (now segate) your one isnt a maxtor or segate is it qrais? I have sent mine back to segate and the replacement has been dispatched but this is my third one! Mine would show up in my computer under the manage function but would not …

Member Avatar for Kakanashev
Member Avatar for knut

Just a quick note to all make sure you use the manufactures drivers not microsoft as they are written specifically for your sound card where as microsoft drivers are often written for a range of similar products so unistall the current drivers download one from your manufactures page and then …

Member Avatar for hoathuongphuoc
Member Avatar for holysmokes

yes vista and office will work dont think outlook will even in compatability mode but im not 100% sure.

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for DiNeSh_123

how old is it and have you tried it on another pc or fiddled about with the settings. If the answer is more than 3 years and yes but with no luck then bin it its prob dead!

Member Avatar for dasavik77
Member Avatar for vikas_ry

why have you posted this twice i have give you probably the only answer to the question which is you need to hack the files using a program like forensic tool kit (ftk) or another similar program that will be the only way as you have no way of recovering …

Member Avatar for Maniapidoulou
Member Avatar for tancomputerlab

what about your dvd drive your computer seems quick enough it unlikely to be the software could be a hardware conflict or fault you got any errors (? or !) in device manager. If not update your cd/dvd driver and firmware from the manufacures not microsofts website and it should …

Member Avatar for prodigits7
Member Avatar for chris5126

Hi, I have a machine with X-Fi Titanium sound card. Im getting the following errors when trying to compile the driver. [code] make make -C /lib/modules/2.6.9-89.0.23.ELsmp/build M=/root/XFiDrv_Linux_Public_US_1.00 make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-89.0.23.EL-smp- x86_64' CC [M] /root/XFiDrv_Linux_Public_US_1.00/xfi.o In file included from /root/XFiDrv_Linux_Public_US_1.00/xfi.c:17: /root/XFiDrv_Linux_Public_US_1.00/ctatc.h:22:34: linux/spinlock_types.h: No such file or directory make[2]: *** [/root/XFiDrv_Linux_Public_US_1.00/xfi.o] …

Member Avatar for chris5126

Hi, I have a machine with X-Fi Titanium sound card. Im getting the following errors when trying to compile the driver. [CODE] make make -C /lib/modules/2.6.9-89.0.23.ELsmp/build M=/root/XFiDrv_Linux_Public_US_1.00 make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-89.0.23.EL-smp- x86_64' CC [M] /root/XFiDrv_Linux_Public_US_1.00/xfi.o In file included from /root/XFiDrv_Linux_Public_US_1.00/xfi.c:17: /root/XFiDrv_Linux_Public_US_1.00/ctatc.h:22:34: linux/spinlock_types.h: No such file or directory make[2]: *** [/root/XFiDrv_Linux_Public_US_1.00/xfi.o] …

Member Avatar for chris5126
Member Avatar for nanosani

Dont know if these have been posted but: Super grub will sort out nearly all boot problems for nearly all o/s including vista!: [url][/url] Windows pe boot disk for helping to recover data without swaping hardware to usb caddies and to change or edit files on your current file system …

Member Avatar for greg.stunt
Member Avatar for Isonis

this happnes more often than you think as microsoft wrote crap software. Have you tried doing it from the vista cd, if you put it in then go past the first screen, there is an option for repair click on it and try restoring the system from there. If that …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for CHOCOLATE CANDY

either reformat or ring dell and they will either send someone out or tell u it if you need to get files off use a peboot disk and copy the files to a seperate partition or an external hdd.

Member Avatar for chisha
Member Avatar for liloka

is the desktop linked through a patch cable or through wireless if its cable then connect the laptop to the patch cable and see if the network works then. If it does then its a setting problem. Can vista see the wireless network but just not connect or does it …

Member Avatar for hannah_shanks
Member Avatar for Dark_Omen

right sounds to me like a codec problem download gspot (nothing to do with porn) [url][/url] It will enable you to open the file and will then check to see if your comp has the correct codec installed. But i would strongly recomend that you download a codec package google …

Member Avatar for kristain
Member Avatar for mattk

windows might have recently updated the driver and it might have changed the settings. right click on your desktop click personlise then display settings try changing the resolutions and the refresh rate to 60hz if that doesnt work download the driver of your graphics card from your manufactures website and …

Member Avatar for tony p
Member Avatar for Simpsons4261

hello i think i might be able to solve ur problem. I assume you have already done the right click on the conection to the internet and select sharing and select share this internet connection with your local connection (select the one the xbox is plugged into) and then click …

Member Avatar for Deathblowers
Member Avatar for chris5126

HI guys, I have the following code which redirects all standard input and error to the screen and to a log file, I would like to change it so it only redirects standard out and all standard error goes just to the log file can anyone help: [code] #capture all …

Member Avatar for chris5126

Hi, Trying to add a swap file to my server as below: [code] dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile1 bs=1M count=2048 2048+0 records in 2048+0 records out 2147483648 bytes (2.1 GB) copied, 27.4514 seconds, 78.2 MB/s [root@clearab2 /]# mkswap -c /swapfile1 Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 2147479 kB [root@clearab2 /]# swapon …

Member Avatar for garthmiller
Member Avatar for vein27
Member Avatar for chris5126

Hi guys, I have a shell script which is to run on multiple OS, I have the following two variables declared: [code] NPAID_CMD="ps -A -o pid,comm | grep NParchiveSM | awk -F \" " '{print $1}'\" SHMMAX="echo "Not impletemted on $OS"" [/code] On Linux the above decelerations are fine and …

Member Avatar for cfajohnson
Member Avatar for RivetLikeWhoa

sun servers or dell servers are pretty cheap but you do you need straight line speed or do you want multiplue process runing at once? for example if your running a database behind the website with multiple request from users then straight line speed isnt needed and a mutli core …

Member Avatar for PSolutions
Member Avatar for chris5126

Hi, Can someone please help me install openssl-devel on suse, I have used the following command: yast2 -i openssl-devel But dont have physical access to the server to insert the cd and there are no repos configured. Try to configure a repo and I get an error is there an …

Member Avatar for komyg

you could download and use cygwin then you will have the bash command installed and then ./myapp `ls -l` would work nicely

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for crazysoul13

if you had a list of the web sites in a file you could use a for loop read each line and perform a command: [code] SITELIST=/path/to/file SNAPSHOTDIR=/tmp for i in $SITELIST do #command e.g. echo "Taking snapshot of $i" wget -r -l1 -N -k -x $i > ${SNAPSHOTDIR}/$i done …

Member Avatar for JeoSaurus
Member Avatar for Roysturn

right heres a few simple steps: First open you bit torrent client and go to options and look to see what port it is listening on it will be a random port. Make a note of this for later. Then go to start and in the search at the bottom …

Member Avatar for JACK78
Member Avatar for chris5126

Hi Guys, I have a file with lots of similar records example shown at end, I want to be able to delete one of the records and have the following line of code which finds the record I need to delete, my question is now I have found the record …

Member Avatar for chris5126

The End.