Hi I have a command that produces the following:
/usr/ucb/ps -auxxx|awk '{print $3,$4,$2,$1,$11}'|grep -v 0.0
0.2 5.217405286920 1910 noaccess
0.1 0.1 180 root 0:43
0.1 0.1 686 root 0:41
0.1 0.1 26198 chris /usr/lib/ssh/sshd
0.1 0.1 26767 root /usr/ucb/ps
0.1 0.1 26215 root bash
0.1 0.1 26765 root sleep
0.1 0.1 26766 root sleep
I need it to make the first two colums to two decimal places i have tried for ages and cant seem to crack it any help?