I am having a major problem with my vista laptop. It's refusing partly to connect to my router. There's no problem with the router, because my desktop is linked and everything is as good as usuall. However when I try to set up a connection with my laptop it throws a major wobbler.
My laptop picks up about 3 wi-fi networks including my NETGEAR wireless router, and says the signal is excellent. I've looked everywhere for threads and no one's helping.
I've entered the password, and everything seems to be fine, except when I click connect I get a message saying "the settings saved on this computer for the network do not match the requirements of the network"
PLEASE somebody help me! It's Christmas day - I want to USE my laptop not feel the need of throwing it across the room! TT_TT

first thing i suggest is going to going to services and make sure that the service "wireless zero configuration " is set to automatic .find the services in the control panel and admin tools ,i think its the same in vista as winxp anyway .services.msc in start/run if you have the run command setup in start .

also you say you enter password ,then connect ,its my experience that you hit connect and then are asked for the security password to the wireless connection .how old is you netgear ,i have a older one once and it wasn't compatible to my compaq laptops wireless device .

check this out .

May be a firewall ?

Also check that you dont have 'Mac Address filtering' enabled on the router!

If you do, you will need to insert the mac addy of your laptops wireless NIC to the mac addy filter table on the router!

What is happening (as caperjack mentions) is that your network settings on the lappy are not matching those that are set in the router.

To put you on the right track, the network settings on your lappy should be identical to those on your desktop (which obviously already match the routers).

You have checked that 'network discovery' is turned on in vista's network and sharing centre haven't you??


is the desktop linked through a patch cable or through wireless if its cable then connect the laptop to the patch cable and see if the network works then. If it does then its a setting problem.

Can vista see the wireless network but just not connect or does it connect but have limited access or no internet etc. Let us know!!!

I'm having the same problem:(
I just bought a new laptop and cant connect to my wireless router. Please help! I already tried the other suggestions on this thread.
It connects fine with the cable, but as soon as i take the cable out it disconnects!
I take it that its a settings problem, but what do i need to?
I rang the internet company but they said they cant help me. Any tips please?

try to see if on your router your SSID brocasting is in the enable or disable... If it is disabled (like mine is) enable it so you can see your router to connect to it.. or go to control panel>wireless config and utility and it should show all possible routers even those not broadcasting...

My issue is I can now connect my computer to the router, but now I can't connect if I disable my SSID Broadcasting.. hmmm.. how do I set my computer to connect even when it's not broadcasting like my other lap top does???!!?!?

I'm sorry, i cant see where the 'wireless config and utility' option is in control panel? and how do i enable broadcasting? I'm terrible at these things and the manuals arent helping!!

I'm sorry, i cant see where the 'wireless config and utility' option is in control panel? and how do i enable broadcasting? I'm terrible at these things and the manuals arent helping!!

With the internet cable connected to your computer:

go to your control panel (I have mine set in the classic view because it's just easier for me to find everything - click on control panel and to the left it'll say 'classic view', click on it - you can always go back to the other view whenever).

Scroll all the way down the page and you'll see like an antenna symbol and below it it'll say "wireless config..."

Click on that

then click on "site monitor" it'll show you all routers near you.. The one that shows up the closest is yours. If it say's (nonbroadcasting) it means you have thee SSID Broadcasting disabled

Now, my router is through linksys so I go through them to adjust whether I have my SSID Broadcasting enabled or disabled. Unless you have a linksys router, I really don't know how else to help you other than to say call the company your router is through for further help.. Just FYI though, most people still don't understand how to work through Vista.. I've just been doing the "trial and error" method... HA!

Hope this helps... I'll be online for a bit

It connects fine with the cable, but as soon as i take the cable out it disconnects!

that normal ,you have to connect to the wireless,with a click here and click there ,also you need to make sure that the wireless is turned on ,a lot of newer laptops have a switch or button ,whats the make and model of the laptop .
this might help you .

quoting:: """With the internet cable connected to your computer:

go to your control panel (I have mine set in the classic view because it's just easier for me to find everything - click on control panel and to the left it'll say 'classic view', click on it - you can always go back to the other view whenever).

Scroll all the way down the page and you'll see like an antenna symbol and below it it'll say "wireless config..." """

This might sound bizzare, but even with the classic view, the 'wireless config' is really not there.. the icons are in alphabetical order and goes as far as 'windows'.. :s

i tried the other page as well.. router configuration?? my modem is a bizzare one here in egypt (on year abroad placement).. its 'Zhone' and model number 6218-12-302.. the internet is through linkdsl.com but cant find ANY information on the wesbite about the router. (and yep the wireless switch is ON)

my laptop was connecting fine in England, my router there was a belkin.. i dont know :(

i tried the other page as well.. router configuration?? my modem is a bizzare one here in egypt (on year abroad placement).. its 'Zhone' and model number 6218-12-302.. the internet is through linkdsl.com but cant find ANY information on the wesbite about the router. (and yep the wireless switch is ON)

my laptop was connecting fine in England, my router there was a belkin.. i dont know :(

if the wireless is turned on in the laptop ,and there is a wireless connection nearby ,you will get a message from the wireless icon down by the clock ,like this ,a wireless connect was found and give you the option to click and connect to the connection if not then someting is wrong with the wireless router

yes that happens and then i connect to it, and it says it was unsuccessful, and get an option to 'diagnose the problem' which says that the router settings need to be matched to wireless laptop settings or something or other..
sorry :s

yes that happens and then i connect to it, and it says it was unsuccessful, and get an option to 'diagnose the problem' which says that the router settings need to be matched to wireless laptop settings or something or other..
sorry :s

ok that means you need to go into the routers setup ,on the computer that has the router install you need to type the router ip address in to IE address bar.I thinks its
in there you will find the settings you need to set .
link might help.http://kbserver.netgear.com/kb_web_files/n101179.asp

I'm sorry, if u have time.. where can i find router set up or install? i tried searching but no luck..

I'm sorry, if u have time.. where can i find router set up or install? i tried searching but no luck..

did you type this in Internet Explorer like i asked in last post ,you need to tell me what you tried in each post to make this easier for me to help you .

of course, apologies. i typed it into internet exp with and without '.com'.. both times live search results came up, one was an 'expert website' and another option did not work.. said it couldnt be displayed, perhaps website problems, or not connected to internet (which i was) etc etc.

from the link in my post above ,try one of these ,

Open an Internet explorer and type the router IP address which would be either or (by default, refer to your product documentation to determine the default IP address.) in the address bar and press Enter.

actually they should go to it now if you click on the right one as they are active links

,also there is great help in the link in above post.or this one from a search in the link above .

Mine is hp lapttop. Sometimes wireless gets disconnected. i can see my connection as available and if i choose to connect it mannualy, it gives 2 option- 1. diagnose problem 2. connect to different network.
Most interesting part is that after sometime it connects automatically. giv me a solution

I have jsut had this same problem. I was getting really angry too and then fixed it in 2 seconds. I got someone enter into the configuration web page of the router from another laptop that doesn´t have vista and change the pass word. It fixed the problem right away!

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