Does windows 2000 need floppys to install it and if it does i ant got a floppy drive could i still work windows 2000 in vmware workstation
like mount the floppy image by any chance


I think the only case that you would need a floppy is if you were not able to boot from the cd rom. If you can boot into win2k setup off of the cd, then no floppies are needed.

Go into you BIOS and make you CD-ROM the first boot device, place the OS CD in the drive, turn the computer back on and it should boot from the disk.

Win2k does need floppies I think.

And you can use floppies with virtual machines

(i used a tool to convet the winnt4 disk to a .img file then mounted it)

Win2k does need floppies I think.

And you can use floppies with virtual machines

(i used a tool to convet the winnt4 disk to a .img file then mounted it)

DANG!!! I must atone, I've been using a CD all this time!?!;)

btw jbennet...proof read, proof read, proof read

tried it and it works fine without the floppies but when i install windows 2000 the graphics are rubbish it doesnt show the backround properly and when i install a game its rubbish the graphics is better on xp

the only reason why im switching its because its windows 2000 server

please help

I dont think win2k has Hardware Graphics Acceleration enabled by default (windows 2003 doesnt). Without that it looks crappy. You aught to be able to enable accelaration under Display (its a slider

i went under display but it only gives me a resoltion and couler choice

please help

bondi 007

Go into display then the settings tab (where the resolution etc is) . There should be a button labelled "ADVANCED". Click it. It will open a new window. One of the tabs in this newwindow (i think its labelled troubleshoot) is what you seek

the acceleration is on and i tried turning it off and it made no difference

please help

i need the use of windows 2000

bondi 007

If you right click on your desktop > settings, you can adjust the pixels and color (16 bit, 32 bit...).

no it only lets me use 16 bit

any other suggestions

bondi 007

16 bit? That means either:

A: Your card is really crap
B: You havent installed your graphics drivers

Install your graphics drivers.

it works great on xp
i built my pc so i havent installed my intel grapics drivers

ill give it ago and let u know

bondi 007

Drivers are installed and it still does not work

please help

bondi 007

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