I'm on a home network with two computers, both running 2kpro. Now, I'm very pleased with the op system. It is solid and almost never crashes. It takes my 233 :cheesy: with 128 megs of "Model A" memory and makes it a much better operating machine than it deserves. My lady's machine is a two gigger with 256 megs of RAM.
My question is, is it worth it to make the move? And, my lady is really nervous about new things, so if I change my machine first to XP first to show her it is excellent will it clash from a network sense (and I realize this part of the question actually belongs in networking)? In other words, will there any conflicts? Or, is the fact they're both based on NT make it O.K.? I'm considering upgrading over what I have because I just recently re-formatted and re-installed everything..thoughts on that?