A couple of days ago I turned my laptop on but turned it off as it was still loading things up at the start. Since then when I turn it on it comes straight up with the screen which lets me choose safe mode etc. I have tryed safe mode, normal mode and start using known good configeration. Whichever I choose when the password screen should load I get a blue screen error for less than 1 sec and then I go back to the screen where I can choose safe mode etc. Its a vicious circle! lol

Whichever I choose when the password screen should load I get a blue screen error for less than 1 sec and then I go back to the screen

Hi Jon
Ok well you should go into your bios by pressing F8 or F2 it tells you when you start your computer how to get into the bios, When u get in to your bios look for the setting that says Atuomatic Restart on error turn that off, Restart your computer and this time when the error shows up it wont go away so you can tell us what the error is and we can help you fix it.


OK. I got into bios setup but could not find the "dont restart on error" thing u said about so i tryed the,"Primary Hard Disk Self Test" which should take 57mins and it fails it in about 10secs, and stops it says...

Test status----------#1- 07 fail

Any1 got ne idea wots wrong??

i dont know that error, But i can look it up for you.
But can u see anything that the screen says when it goes blue after when the password screen is sopose to come up?
Also do you have the windows XP disk that came with that computer?

No I can only just make out its a blue screen error, it doesnt have enough time to load properly. I didnt realize it was a blue screen error at first coz its so quick.
I only brought the laptop in december 06 and it did not come with an XP CD as I have kept it all in the box with the reciept incase i needed to take it back under warrenty.

oh thats cool, Im looking up some stuff on that error and is your laptop a HP?

Yea hp compaq c300

im gonna make a 95 boot disk so i can use command promp. (reccomened by my bro).

JUST Made disk but got no floppy drive LOL!!!

new idea... boot usb stick

There has been a few more HP users who have reported something similar to what you have butI searched that error and its a hardrive error but they wont tell us what it is. Now i would have you go inside the computer to do some stuff but since your computer is not 1 year old your warrenty is most likely still in action. So i dont think i can help you beyond this point because i dont want to void your warrenty. I would call HP support center and let them know whats goin on. They may repair it for you at no cost or let you know what to do. But its best that u get the advice from them because ur still under warrenty.
Im sorry i could not be of any futher assitance but i hope you still come here in the future for any futher problems that may arise.

Best of luck.

And about making a boot disk Windows has a program that can make u a boot disk these are for windows XP .
theres the link it says 6 flopies but u may be able to put it on a USB stick. But if it is a bad hard drive problem rebuilding the boot files wont help.
Let me know if this helps

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