I know this seems to be a popular problem on here, but I haven't seen anyone reply with something that actually worked. And I need help! This problem is driving me crazy, I need something to work..and everyone's replies were way too complicated and things I've never heard of..so any reply that will help or fix this ANNOYING problem will be greatly greatly greatly appreciated.
So I've had Internet Explorer 7 for a long time, and haven't downloaded or accessed anything new or unusual, when Tuesday I logged to get into my internet (on my wireless laptop) and it says "Internet Explorer Cannot Display the Webpage". So everytime this happens I always go up and restart my routers and desktop computer. But this time that did not work. The problem was persistent. Google would show up, and so will simple sites with basically no pictures, in otherwords, text websites work fine...which are about 3 sites I've found. Whenever I type something in the www. form, it comes up in a Google search.
So no websites can be accessed, and I am completely puzzled by this. Especially since the connectivity is fine (I did diagnotics, no problem) and my sister's wireless on her laptop works perfectly fine. I downloaded Firefox today, same thing.."Server Not Found" although the connection is strong.
The only way that I am able to be on now looking for help is by using my sister's laptop. I have to save all downloadable files to a rewritable disk since I cannot open any pages on my own to download. Also...AIM and iTunes store do not work. Yahoo and Google are basically all that works.
I DON'T UNDERSTAND! But I can't go without internet on my computer much longer.
Any help (in english, please) would benefit me sooo greatly.
Thank You!!