I'm trying to run the setup program for Daemon tools and alcohol 120 and vista comes back sayin "I need administrator privileges to proceed even though I'm logged in as an admin and have full permissionson the file/s. Any ideas????

you mustn't loggin as an administrator user but inside the administrator account. To do so, just go to "run" and write the command "lusrmgr.msc", after that, go to users, right click on administrator's properties then enable it. once done, loggout and get in the administrator account which appears and instal your soft. Hope it's gonna help you.

Sounds like Vista's UAC in action. Right click on the setup prigram and left click 'Run as Administrator'

I tried to install Alcohol 120% on my Vista machine and it crashed the partition I had it installed on. I had to go in safe mode and delete the virtual disk driver. Maybe I was installing an outdated version, but yeah... I didn't have a good experiace with Alcohol 120% and Vista.


I have a very similair problem although i cannot install Deamon or Alcohol 120 or Adobe reader on vista Ultimate, But i cant install a printer either,

I tried this "you mustn't loggin as an administrator user but inside the administrator account. To do so, just go to "run" and write the command "lusrmgr.msc", after that, go to users, right click on administrator's properties then enable it. once done, loggout and get in the administrator account which appears and instal your soft. Hope it's gonna help you. "

But even logging in with the administrator account i still cant do any of the things above.
Any ideas?

have you tried right clicking on the program and clicking run as administrator? if that doesn't work maybe you need to restart your computer or re-install the program, or use another account with ADMIN priviliges.....

I'm trying to run the setup program for Daemon tools and alcohol 120 and vista comes back sayin "I need administrator privileges to proceed even though I'm logged in as an admin and have full permissionson the file/s. Any ideas????

Right Click the installer, go down to "Run as Administrator". Try that first.

Credit to asadzuki - sorry, i didn't see your post.

I've tried

"run" and write the command "lusrmgr.msc", after that, go to users, right click on administrator's properties then enable it. once done, loggout and get in the administrator account which appears and instal your soft. Hope it's gonna help you. "

. . . but get message this does not apply to 7 Home Premium

I've tried

. . . but get message this does not apply to 7 Home Premium

Downgrade the OS then :D .

commented: I don't need trite comments on a serious poblem +0

Very funny. A reinstall would work too

Very funny. A reinstall would work too

No, a reinstall probably wouldn't fix it.

Try this:

Rightclick on the installer
second option in the context menu should be ""troubleshoot Compatibility T

Run through that in xinXP SP2 modeW" or what ever.

Or you could type ""compatibility in to the start->searchbar and hit "run programs made for different versions of windows"

I'm on a windows 7, and I have the game Halo on it. The game works fine,but when I try to go to multiplayer, it says I need administrative privileges to downlode the required patch. I got my computer 3 days ago, and never saw anything about administrators. What do I do?

I'm on a windows 7, and I have the game Halo on it. The game works fine,but when I try to go to multiplayer, it says I need administrative privileges to downlode the required patch. I got my computer 3 days ago, and never saw anything about administrators. What do I do?

Download, or Install?

to install is easier...

rclick installer
1st /2nd option or so => run as administrator
if you have UAC on it will prompt you (first thing I disabled on win7)

download requires admin priv? I don't think so? please post me a screenshot.

(to take a screenshot...)
get to the screen you want
ctrl+PrtSc (usually in the upper right of your keyboard)
open paint
save it
add it as an attachment in your reply.

You have come to the right place to find out, anyway.
are you using anything 3rd party, like STEAM (if you are unsure then you are probably not...)

also, which patch do you want exactly... copy and paste the link to it in your reply, please?

The paste thing didn't work, but I'll tell you exactly. The game is installed fine. The campaign runs very well. When I go to multiplayer, however, and try to join or create an Internet game, instead of taking me to the menu for games, a message comes up that says "You must have Administrator privileges to download this required patch".

Should I reinstall the game and look to see if there was a setting I missed?

right-click and select "Run As Administrator"

well that was easy! Thanks!
but will I have to do that each time?

That was a setup program, right? If clicking the program's icon does the same thing, you can right-click, select Properties. On the Icon tab click "advanced, then check "Run as Administrator." User Account Control will still ask you to click "Continue."

Try this http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/window-on-windows/?p=635

If you don't know this, the first ,you should visit to http://www.micorosoft.com finding the answer.Because this soft is created by micorosoft.

well that was easy! Thanks!
but will I have to do that each time?

in my comment (with the red writing in it) if you read the green writing it said:

rclick installer
1st /2nd option or so => run as administrator
if you have UAC on it will prompt you (first thing I disabled on win7)

this happens:

techsheaven | 1 Day Ago

right-click and select "Run As Administrator"

and you get it.

just checking - was I not clear enough? please let me know so that I don't confuse you (or others) in the future.


thanks! worked for photoshop cs2. :)

I tried to install Alcohol 120% on my Vista machine and it crashed the partition I had it installed on. I had to go in safe mode and delete the virtual disk driver. Maybe I was installing an outdated version, but yeah... I didn't have a good experiace with Alcohol 120% and Vista.

Hi, bit similar issue...
I am trying to install dll in the assembly cache. even after login as admin,its asking to meet administrator!!!!! how to meet myself ;)
Using- Windows 7 (genuine).
waiting for suggestions which works..

I'm trying to run the setup program for Daemon tools and alcohol 120 and vista comes back sayin "I need administrator privileges to proceed even though I'm logged in as an admin and have full permissionson the file/s. Any ideas????

yea me to i am installing battlefield on windows seven and it says i need adminiatraters privilages......please help anyone!!!

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