I am running Windows Vista Ultimate, and accidently set Notepad as the Default Program to open all .dll files on my machine. Can't quite figure out how to ctrl+z this one. I don't know if this is significantly affecting my computer or not. It would be nice to know if it is and also how to alleviate this problem so I can restore the files to their original working order.

well, you can do the same thing you did to set notepad to default, except set a different program. now i dont know what you did, so i cant really tell you what to do.

yeah, i'm having the same problem. i tried to download a plugin for winamp and when i opened it, vista asked me what program to use. i know how to set the default progerams, i just haven't a clue which program i am suposed to use. anyone?

The only thing I can think of is restore to a safe version.

Wait hold on.

What does it matter what default program is set to open dll files?

Do you attempt to read/edit them directly?

Am I missing something here?

there are ways to get around it but it will require that u use another program as the default. as scru dai it don't matter what u have to open a dll file, they will still work

here is something u can try opne control panel>default programs and see if u can restore all files to defaults. or do as midi states, restoer to an earlier setting.

The only thing I can think of is restore to a safe version.

I also changed my default program for .DLL to notepad by accident. I was wondering if any one knows what the correct defalt program is for .DLL or how to restore to
'safe version' :?: ? Btw Im on Windows vista.

commented: MidiMagic is pulling your leg. It doesn't matter what is the default program to open dll files, because a normal user like yourself is not supposed to open them. The applications that need them will access them irregardless in any case. +3

it wont matter

I am having the same problem - have no idea what to open a new program with - and I don't want to corrupt my files. I have not found the answer - but did find this on an IT webite. Hope it helps - 'cuz the more I work with Vista: my head becomes filled with so much bloatware and techno-babble - it is actually going to explode Micro-brain cells all over this lap top.


DLL-Downloads.com has an excellent tutorial that demonstrates how to install .DLL files in Windows. What is a .DLL? Glad you asked. DLLs are packages that contain code and data that are used by multiple programs on your computer. Occasionally when you remove a program that shares a .DLL with other applications, the shared .DLL will incorrectly get removed, too. If a .DLL is missing you'll get an error along the lines of, "Error opening file, dllName.dll missing."

Fortunately, the process of installing .DLLs is pretty easy. In a nutshell, all you need to do is copy the original .DLL file to C:\Windows\System32. Once the .DLL is copied over, run the following command: regsvr32 filename.dll and your .DLL will be successfully installed. The tutorial works perfectly well on Windows XP and Windows Vista.


You can change default for .dll files via regedit. Open run from accessories type 'regedit'. Press enter. Locate HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.dll . Change the registry values to same as for HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.ini.


It doesn't work..


You can change default for .dll files via regedit. Open run from accessories type 'regedit'. Press enter. Locate HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.dll . Change the registry values to same as for HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.ini.


okay....so HOW do you change the value....it says on the values for the .ini as well as .dll....it says value not set and then another one that says zero length binary value.

if you right click there all these options of new values open..up im not sure what to chose....do i just copy and paste from the .ini file value settings to the .dll ones?

Open the start button and type the first part of the file you tried to open. For instance, instead of typing in keymgr.dll just type in keymgr DO NOT PRESS ENTER / wait for it to pop up and right click it and click open with. It will then open the original window where you opened it with the wrong program.

It WON'T make a difference what your choice of default program is to open a .dll file. You're never going to open one so who cares what you set it? Microsoft doesn't have a setting for you to delete your choice of default program once you have set it, but you can change it. However, if it's REALLY bothering you, go to that regedit directory Denseb mentioned "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts.dll" click the "UserChoice" subfolder and delete the folder completely. This will delete the registered user choice of default program to open a .dll file... which you will never do anyways.

Windows 8 has made such changes pretty easy. There's an option in control panel to change default programs and file extension associations.

i'm having the same problem... and when i go to userchoice and try to delete the "Progid", it tells me "unable to delete all specified files"
is there a way around that?
using windows 7

The question is not how to change the file association, but change it to what? Currently my .dll association says "Unknown Application", is that correct? If not, what should it say? Where is a listing of all file extensions and a coorelation to the appropriate program?

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