i am having a lot of trouble with win xp.. first of all, my comp freezes for reasons i cannot deduce.. it happens when i try to load anything from any of the cdrom drives, but not everytime.. it only happens some of the time..

and NOW, i tried to install macromedia flash player and the comp froze.. so i rebooted and my computer will not load beyond the blue windows xp main screen.. it is the blue screen with the windows xp icon in the frame.. it doesn't even go to the welcome screen.. it just stops here and will not do anything.. the mouse cursor is visible and i can control it, but other than that, nothing.. it happens every time i reboot..

i am leaving sat morning and will have no other comp to use! can someone help me asap?? pleeeease.. :cry:

Can you get into windows via safe mode? If you can, you're on the right track. Perhaps as a last resort you will have to do a Windows XP repair via the installation cd.

it does the same thing in safe mode.. stops at the blue startup screen.. :( how do i do a repair?

Put the windows XP cd in your drive and boot off the cd. At the beginning of the installer, it'll tell you to hit 'R' (or some key like that) to do a repair.

thanks hun! i tried that and it actually ran through a process which looked like windows was installing, which it didn't even go through when i actually installed it in the first place.. long story short, it actually works BETTER now.. all the kinks are gone, and the cdroms work like a snap and it hasn't frozen once since i got it back up.. i don't know what was happening, but i guess it was fixed with the repair process! :)

thanks for pointing me in the right direction.. :)

my computer will go in a circle from safe mode to windows start up screen and back again. even with the recovery cd in.....it wont let me do anything? please help!

Put the windows XP cd in your drive and boot off the cd. At the beginning of the installer, it'll tell you to hit 'R' (or some key like that) to do a repair.

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