I have searched through the site and haven't found anything that directly compares with the problems I'm having so here it is.
I have Mitusbishi PLC and servo programming software installed on my PC. I am able to start up the servo software(GX Configurator QP) and open the servo program fine. When I try to go to the portion of the program to view/edit the servo parameters I get a Server Busy pop-up box that says that the action can not be completed because the other program is busy, choose switch to to activate the busy program and correct the problem. By clicking switch to it opens the start menu but reopening any software has no effect. Retry just reopens the window a second after you click it. I have uninstalled the software and reinstalled it with no effect. The software is installed on a coworkers computer which is the same model running the same operating system(Win XP SP2), and everything works find on his computer. I have contacted our Mitsubishi rep and he believes that the problem is with the operating system/ computer, and not the Mitsubishi software.
Any help/ideas are apreciated.
Benji Farr
EDL Packaging Engineers
Green Bay WI