First of all, sorry about talking my own problem in someone else thread. I didnt know.

Now, here is as detailed as i can get with what's going on. My computer either restarts or shuts down by its self randomly anytime it feels like it. No pattern really, but it chooses if it wants to restart or shutdown. Mostly it'll be when im playing a game, but others its just surfing the web, or even over night when im not on it and just a few programs, like AIM, are running. Here's some logs i found that i know the time of and when it happened.

Listed most recent first
The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x000000c2 (0x00000007, 0x00000cd4, 0x021f0005, 0x820d3f10). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini080904-01.dmp.

The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x1000008e (0xc0000005, 0x80581e21, 0xba318bd8, 0x00000000). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini080804-01.dmp.

The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x0000004e (0x00000099, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini080704-04.dmp.

Only copied 3, but i see about 20 of the same thing in my event log. Each with Event #1001. Now sure what any of this means. When it does choose to shutdown, the power doesnt go off. The fans are still running and my lights are still on,and i can still open my CD-ROM, but i hear my speakers go off, monitor blank, and it seems the OS just shutdown. So I have to flip the switch, unplug the computer, and it doesnt wanna start back up for 15-30min later. If i try before that, you can hear the fans start up, but nothing is happening.

I dont think it could be a heat problem. I have 3 case fans, 1 power fan, and 1 CPU fan. And sometimes i leave the side panel open. I havent cleaned it out physically yet, but it couldnt be that bad to cause this wierd problem. However, notice the bold :), it all started doing this when I bought my new graphics card: ATI Radeon 9600SE 128mb. Im thinking it could be pumping out too much power, but i have a 450 power supply. Maybe it overheats? but i dont think it could with 5 fans in there. Ive tried uninstalling/reinstalling the driver many times for it.

Any help would be appreciated. Im running XP Pro, Duron 850mhz, 256 SDRAM, and my graphics card (ATI RAdeon 9600SE 128mb)

Go into BIOS setup. If 'AGP fast writes' is enabled, then disable it. If you find that the system is set to "AGP 8x", then change it to "AGP 4x".

Let us know if problems persist please.

If you previously had a different brand of display card installed, you may not have successfully removed traces of old display drivers. Ideally, a format and fresh install should be conducted when changing brands of display card. See this article:

:D cant hurt to have too much fans. But anyways, im reding that link you gave me. But i also never knew how to get into the BIOs settings, could ya tell me?

Watch your POST screens. You'll probably get a message telling you to "Press xxxx to Setup". If you have a 'NameBrand' system which displays a Logo instead of the POST screens, press the <Esc> key when it's loading to get rid of it.

This might also help.

I went to go restart, and my computer didnt restart, lol. After the "Windows is shutting down..." screen, everything just went blank, and the power light on my monitor started blinking, which happens when it shuts down, like the monitor went on standby. But, all the post screens or whatever go too fast and i cant see how to get into setup/BIOS. Ill look again, but im afraid it wont restart and then i have to wait another 15min till it actually starts back up. I have to flip the switch, and unplug it all the time. The plug it back in, flip the switch, turn on and it wont work. So then i do it again right there, and that time it works. It's real wierd.

Ok, i got into the BIOS settings, but the 2 you told me to change wasnt there. All that was related in there, was APG 4x control::Enabled. Im not sure if thats what you wanted, but i didnt change anything. Also i forgot to mention, everytime i restart, whether it was a succesful restart or not, it does a CheckDisc everytime.

Those stop errors point either to faulty RAM or a kernel-level process gone haywire. Have you changed any hardware or upgraded drivers or other critical software lately? Also, what kind of sound card do you have? The second stop code can be related to a driver issue with Audigy sound cards.

Those stop errors point either to faulty RAM or a kernel-level process gone haywire. Have you changed any hardware or upgraded drivers or other critical software lately? Also, what kind of sound card do you have? The second stop code can be related to a driver issue with Audigy sound cards.

However, notice the bold :), it all started doing this when I bought my new graphics card: ATI Radeon 9600SE 128mb.

djwazzup06, read the tweaktown article, eh? It contains suggestions about cleaning up traces of the old drivers and getting the ATi catalyst drivers installed cleanly. Driver problems are the most likely source of your instability.

D-oh! Sorry Terry- missed that... :o

heh heh heh........

I've been known to argue a point for two pages of discussion before noticing the small comment in the original post I'd initially missed! :D

Guilty here as well- sometimes I'm just trying to audit as many posts as possible that I skim over the obvious. Oh well, one of the downsides of our being both responders and mods I guess...

I've got Creative Live! 5.1 sound card and it hasn't been working properly either. But I will try to clean up the traces from the old video card, and it was nVidia so there must be a problem with it. I would just do a clean install but I don't have the copy of windows I used right now. That's most likely the problem. Thanks guys

Definitely try to clear up the issues with the sound and video card; chances are pretty good that you problem will stop then. If not, I'd swap RAM sticks next, or run memtest86 to stress-test the RAM.

The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x1000008e (0xc0000005, 0x80581e21, 0xba318bd8, 0x00000000). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini080804-01.dmp.

I also have that same stop code, but I dont have an audigy card, I use the original nForce chipset sound. I ran the RAM test that was in this thread, but no errors were recorded. What you guys said and what Im getting is confusing.

Hi 14G_Tiger,

First of all- welcome to TechTalk!

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