Tonight I installed a new hdd on my HP Pavilion xe748. I then wanted to install a brand new OEM Win XP. My system was experiencing a problem booting for the CD-ROM, so I was given advice to use a startup floppy, choose CD-ROM support and then make sure that I can read the files from the CD. If I could, then navigate to the i386 folder, and type "winnt.exe" at the DOS prompt and that should start Setup. This worked in terms of me being able to read the files of the CD, I was able to go into the I386 folder, I typed winnt.exe, and then I received the follow message on the screen… Setup needs to know where the windows XP files are located. Enter the path where the windows XP files are to be found. D:\I386

what should I type next to get the Windows XP to install????

Fix the 'boot from CD' problem is the best option to take.

To access BIOS setup, press <F1> during startup, then ensure that the system is set to boot from CD-ROM. If you get a logo splash screen covering up the POST information when you reboot, press <Esc> to get rid of the splash screen.

Installing Windows XP is much better done from CD.

I've been trying to get it boot from the CD, but it will not. That's why I was trying the advice of someone that told to make sure I could read the CD, access the I386 folder and then "type" winnt.exe. I was able to do all of these things, so I know my CD-ROM is working or I would not have been able to view the contents of the CD. I have ATAPI-CD-ROM at the top of my setup/boot order. However, it doesn't boot from there, I end up with a black screen that says something like operating system not found.

I would rather not go the route of the 6 floppy disk setup/installation, but I might have to if I can't get it to boot from teh cd.

Fix the 'boot from CD' problem is the best option to take.

To access BIOS setup, press <F1> during startup, then ensure that the system is set to boot from CD-ROM. If you get a logo splash screen covering up the POST information when you reboot, press <Esc> to get rid of the splash screen.

Installing Windows XP is much better done from CD.

When you have it set to boot from CD as 1st boot device, you should pop the CD in the drive, start the machine up, and watch for the onscreen message which says "Press a key to boot from CD". If you don't press a key the system will bypass the CD and try to boot from hard drive.

If you have more than one CD/burner/DVD drive, then you might be trying to use the wrong one.

Perhaps you have misconfigured the drives when you installed the new hard drive? Could you describe what drives are in your system please, and indicate which drives are are attached to the end and middle connectors of each drive cable, and what the jumper settings are for each?

You could be right on the misconfigured drives. I have one cd/dvd drive and one floopy drive. They are both working in terms of being able to read the disks when I have one inserted in that drive and then go to the a: or d: prompt. The hdd has a power source going to it and one cable that is labeled hdd. The other end of that cable is plugged into the board at the Primary IDE slot. The cd-rom has a power supply connected along with a main cable the looks like the cable used to connect the hdd. This cable has 2 connectors at the end by the cd-rom. One is at the very end and one is about hald way in between the cable. I have the end of the cable connector plugged into the cd-rom drive and the other end connector is plugged into the board at the slot labeled secondary ide. There is also a small connector plugged into the back of the cd-rom (has thin white, red and green wires (one of each)). That cable is plugged into the board at the only place possible.

Should the jump switches one the new hdd be set to the same as the old hdd?

The jumper settings on both the CD drive and the new hard drive should be set to 'Master'.

Now are you able to get into BIOS setup? I'm unfamiliar with the organisation of BIOS setup on your system, and HP don't like including motherboard manuals on their website, so you'll have to help.

In BIOS setup, what are the menu and sub-menu headings please? There are possibly several settings to check to be sure it's configured correctly to boot from CD.

I have never messed with jump switches. Do I just pull the little white piece out that covers/blocks two prungs and move it to the place indicated on the hdd as "master set"? Where are the jump settings for the cd-rom? Behind it? I'll probably have to pull it out to get to it b/c I can see them.

The bios settings I have been changing are listed under Boot, I have ATAPI-CD-ROM, Removable drive, Hard Drive/disk and Network. If you need more info then this, let me know and I'll start that machine and get the exact settings. THANKS!

I Moved The Jump Settings On Both The Cd-rom And Worked The Cd Booted And I Am Installing Win Xp.

Thank You Very Much For Your Help & Thanks To Everyone Else That Helped Me Thru The Guys Are Great!!!!!!!!!!!

Great to hear! I'll mark this 'solved', and if you have any problems installing Windows XP, or setting it up properly afterwards, don't hesitate to start another topic!

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