Tryed to install ScanExpress 6000P andTextBridge on an xp, not reading the small ptint for windows3.1x/95/NT. As i had not used it for a long time and would like to use it again. As you can see it was not ment for xp, it did not install fully, and now it will not unenstall fully.
you know what i am going to ask, how do i get rid of it. tryed to do it in safe mode but to no avail. Any sugestions

you could try installing it again,this time right click on the programs .exe file and choose ,properties/compatibility
and check off run this program in compatibility mode, and choose win95

I had something (important for me) that wouldn't run under XP; so I tried caperjack's suggestion and it worked a treat. I thought I knew stuff!

Otherwise you can delete the stuff manually and check the registry for anything that did get registered and remove those entries.

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