i have a very strange problem, XP sp2 doest allow to logon to my laptop, i have tried to different methods such as

1) going through SAFE MODE....not possible same msg

2) Tried to repair through the windows cd....not possible

3) tried to replace userinit.exe, wsaupdater.exe( didnt find wsaupdater.exe) and also cannot log into my c:\i386 says access denied....




Member Avatar for thunderstorm98

Did you used the feature 'Last known good configuration' ?

Get in setup, change back the configurations as mentioned in manuals.

I did check the last known configuration, i have new message showing its called userbridg.exe encountered problem...whts this...

I did check the last known configuration, i have new message showing its called userbridg.exe encountered problem...whts this...

a google search shows it related to wireless/inferred device or something like that .
http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=it&u=http://www.manuale.net/forum/showthread.php%3Fs%3D6e2a5b1fa89cc6024801f6d9e1a8f70e%26threadid%3D29610&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3Duserbridg.exe%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26hs%3DWY6 .

2) Tried to repair through the windows cd....not possible

what happens when you try to run Repair ,can you get to the repair prompt and type in CHKDSK /F,,space between K and /

I think we need a whole load more information to diagnose your problem at a distance. Exact message text would help; also exactly where in the sequence does the message occur? Can you now log on to your user account? One of the things we have to establish is what destabilised your system in the first place.

So exactly what happens when you press what when Windows comes up?

I tried repairing the windows again but this time it pops a msg....saying

A problem is preventing windows from accurately checking the license for this computer. Error code: 0x80004005

also tried to put it in safemode to get into registry still im unable to login through safemode....

Did you try this from KB 914232?

Method 2
To resolve the problem, repair the installation of Windows XP by using the Windows XP CD, and then replace the files. To do this, follow these steps: 1. Insert the Windows XP CD in the CD drive or in the DVD drive.
2. Restart your computer.
3. When you receive the following message, press a key to start your computer from the Windows XP CD:
Press any key to start from CD
Note Your computer must be configured to start from the CD drive or from the DVD drive. For more information about how to configure your computer to start from the CD drive or from the DVD drive, see the documentation that came with your personal computer. Alternatively, contact the manufacturer.
4. When you receive the following message, press R to start the Recovery Console. This part of the Setup program prepares Windows XP to run on your computer.To set up Windows XP now, press ENTER.

To repair a Windows XP installation by using Recovery Console, press R.

To exit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3.

5. Press 1 to access your primary drive installation by using the Recovery Console.
6. When you are prompted, type the administrator password. If you do not have an administrator password, press ENTER.
7. Type cd %SystemRoot%\System32, and then press ENTER.
8. Rename the following files by using the REN command. To do this, type REN File_Name.extensionFile_Name.old at the command prompt. • Wpa.dbl
• Pidgen.dll
• Actshell.html
• Licdll.dll
• Regwizc.dll
• Licwmi.dll
• Wpabaln.exe
Note In the previous command, File_Name.extension represents the new file name. Additionally, File_Name.old represents the old file name.
9. Type the drive letter of the CD drive together with a colon, and then press ENTER. For example, you type D:, and then press ENTER.
10. Type cd i386, and then press ENTER.
11. Type the following commands individually. Press ENTER after each command. • Expand licwmi.dl_%Systemroot%\System32
• Expand regwizc.dl_%Systemroot%\System32
• Expand licdll.dl_%Systemroot%\System32
• Expand wpabaln.ex_%Systemroot%\System32
• Expand wpa.db_%Systemroot%\System32
• Expand actshell.ht_%Systemroot%\System32
• Copy pidgen.dll%Systemroot%\System32

12. Type Exit, and then press ENTER to restart the computer.

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine

A problem is preventing windows from accurately checking the license for this computer. Error code: 0x80004005

this means... check your bios... / advanced features set all settings to default.. and irq configuration page.. set to auto

it is hardware problem not about windows

Did you try this from KB 914232?

Method 2
To resolve the problem, repair the installation of Windows XP by using the Windows XP CD, and then replace the files. To do this, follow these steps: 1. Insert the Windows XP CD in the CD drive or in the DVD drive.
2. Restart your computer.
3. When you receive the following message, press a key to start your computer from the Windows XP CD:
Press any key to start from CD
Note Your computer must be configured to start from the CD drive or from the DVD drive. For more information about how to configure your computer to start from the CD drive or from the DVD drive, see the documentation that came with your personal computer. Alternatively, contact the manufacturer.
4. When you receive the following message, press R to start the Recovery Console. This part of the Setup program prepares Windows XP to run on your computer.To set up Windows XP now, press ENTER.

To repair a Windows XP installation by using Recovery Console, press R.

To exit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3.

5. Press 1 to access your primary drive installation by using the Recovery Console.
6. When you are prompted, type the administrator password. If you do not have an administrator password, press ENTER.
7. Type cd %SystemRoot%\System32, and then press ENTER.
8. Rename the following files by using the REN command. To do this, type REN File_Name.extensionFile_Name.old at the command prompt. • Wpa.dbl
• Pidgen.dll
• Actshell.html
• Licdll.dll
• Regwizc.dll
• Licwmi.dll
• Wpabaln.exe
Note In the previous command, File_Name.extension represents the new file name. Additionally, File_Name.old represents the old file name.
9. Type the drive letter of the CD drive together with a colon, and then press ENTER. For example, you type D:, and then press ENTER.
10. Type cd i386, and then press ENTER.
11. Type the following commands individually. Press ENTER after each command. • Expand licwmi.dl_%Systemroot%\System32
• Expand regwizc.dl_%Systemroot%\System32
• Expand licdll.dl_%Systemroot%\System32
• Expand wpabaln.ex_%Systemroot%\System32
• Expand wpa.db_%Systemroot%\System32
• Expand actshell.ht_%Systemroot%\System32
• Copy pidgen.dll%Systemroot%\System32

12. Type Exit, and then press ENTER to restart the computer.

Thanks for your advice...but

I couldnt enter into the d:\i386 and also i couldnt REN files...coz i didnt know wht are the old file names i need to REN with the new ones, If u can suggest in very detailed manner...i shall be very grateful.



your winlogon.exe is corrupted. you can get to a dos prompt with your xp cd and extract it to the destination directory. C:\Windows\system32

your winlogon.exe is corrupted. you can get to a dos prompt with your xp cd and extract it to the destination directory. C:\Windows\system32

thanks for your advice but doest still allow me to logon

I couldnt enter into the d:\i386 and also i couldnt REN files...coz i didnt know wht are the old file names i need to REN with the new ones, If u can suggest in very detailed manner...i shall be very grateful.

You would rename the files indicated in the method *.old. Then you would haul the replacements off the \i386 folder using the expand command.

As for \i386 - if you can get windows to boot in repair mode, there will be an i386 folder on the CD. Can't help you there!

Thanks for your advice...but

I couldnt enter into the d:\i386

could be that d:\ is not the drive letter of your cdrom ,do you have two cd drives in the computer

I see your problem.

I have two XP Pro Upgrade disks. One just has a Contents & a Software directory and no i386 inside.

The other (in a box marked Windows XP Pro version 2002 has the I386 directory in the root of the CD.

So that suggestion is of little use to you unless you can find a web location from which to download the files (someone on the forum might know ehere).

I see your problem.

I have two XP Pro Upgrade disks. One just has a Contents & a Software directory and no i386 inside.

The other (in a box marked Windows XP Pro version 2002 has the I386 directory in the root of the CD.

So that suggestion is of little use to you unless you can find a web location from which to download the files (someone on the forum might know ehere).

I really dont know, I did replace those files, *.old and everything listed on the forum. I need just to take a folder out the system and thats all. I think there is still the third party conflict stopping my login, could be the trend micro 2007 antivirus. I need to disable this, which can only be done if i enter into program files through the recovery console.

How can we enter into the program files through the recovery console in XP. access deined is the msg appearing if i want to enter into the program files, to stop my anti-virus.

any suggestions guys.....

You could kill Trend AV from the Task Manager Processes tab, I'd have thought.

Have a laptop with this problem and have just run all the file replacements (expanded) suggested (My drive was E: btw). Sadly, it still fails Administrator logon in safe mode. I have also expanded userinit.ex_ to system32 (it matched the old userinit in size) and copied it to wsaupdater.exe.

The laptop owner, by the way, feels sure the problem was caused running SpyBot rather than the lavasoft adaware problem of 2004 (which surely must have been fixed by now!)

I agree the only way forward must be to achieve regedit when one might see what the logon is looking for. If I come across a way to do this for a machine not networked into a server system I'll post it. Meanwhile further suggestion would be great. If they work. C'mon you brains.

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