WHere in vista do I manage the number of hard drive letters I can recognize on my PC.

I attached my DVideo camera to the USB port. It recognizes that the device was attached but does not get recognize as a new drive to vista. I am assuming it is a config problem in vista. THoughts, THnaks in advance.


Most digital video cameras dont show up as a drive

e.g my dad has a Sony DV camera and it connects via firewire. The only way to get the video off is through "Windows Movie Maker". Thats on XP though, dont know about vista. Beware though as it will use HUGE (many tens of gigabytes probably) of disk space

the camera will not show up as a HDD it will show as other devices. as for assigning drive letter in vista is basically the same as in XP = admin tools>computer mngt>Storage>disk mangnt there you can rename, change drive letter partition drives a so on.

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