I just recently got a semi-newish computer fixed (had a power source problem) to use at college that had previously been a family computer. My brother had downloaded a lot of spyware and adware, so I used a program to remove it. Then I decided to fix a message I had been getting on startup about my cdr driver not working and the "device being disabled." I deleted a few drivers that were "unsigned" and also accidently uninstalled and then reinstalled my cdr drive. Since doing this, Windows XP will not load. I get a message while booting that says "We apologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start successfully. A recent harware or software change might have caused this." My options are:

Start in safe mode.
Safe mode with networking.
Safe mode with command prompt.
Last known good configuration setting (most recent setting that worked). Start Windows normally.

None of those work, however; each one just reboots to the same error message. I think "Last known good configuration setting" would work if I hadn't disabled Save State, but I did that when I was removing the spyware.

As you can probably tell, I'm mildly computer illiterate -- if I knew more, I probably would not have raped my computer with such savage disrespect. I don't know the make or model of my computer or the patches it has. If anyone could help me make it turn back on, though, I would be forever indebted to that person, because my classes started yesterday, and I really need it to work. Does anyone know what to do?

- Jeff

Hopefully you have your XP installation disk. Put it in the cd drive and hopefully the machine will be able to boot to the CD, no drivers are required to do this. If not, you may have to change your system bios setting to allow it to boot to the CD first. When the setup program loads, tell it you want to Install , not repair. The first thing the installer will do is look for an existing installation when it finds your existing one, it will ask if you want to repair or do a new install. At THIS point tell it you want to Repair. Normally this works ok and you will end up with a functioning system with all your applications still installed. If it comes up working, do a complete scan for viruses and Malware. You should use all the tools to do this that are available because no one does it all. Read the Sticky posts at the top of the Security forum for all the information you need on how to do this. You will need to reinstall all service packs and updates again when you're done.

THANK YOU so much for your advice, it worked perfectly. I had the problem with the asms file while reinstalling, but I figured it out. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU again, you saved my ass completely.

- Jeff

:cheesy: Aww...shucks! It weren't nothin'...glad to help..

what if you bought an hp pavilion bundle desktop that didn't come with install disk or a recovery disk?

As far as I know you're screwed. But you can go buy a real copy of the OS. You might want to check the seller or HP support.

If you have a 'Name brand' PC which isn't accompanied by a separate Windows installation CD, read the product documentation carefully, or contact the manufacturer's support service, because it WILL have the facility to refresh your Windows installation without wiping the drive.

Thank you for the advise,I called HP and at restart hit the F10 key as you would the F8 key and it brings up a recovery option.

thanks again. ;)

I just tried doing what was mentioned above... but when I trying to repair I get:

The Recovery Console provides system repair and recovery functionality.
Type EXIT to quit the Recovery Console and restart the computer:

Why isn't it trying to repair????


It only applies to his particular PC model and manufacturer. If I do the same thing on another HP, I will another result entirely. Please start a thread of your own and clearly state your problem, how it happened and all the relevant system information and we will try to help you.

how did you fixes the asms problem.cause thats my problem now while installing window xp please help. here is my e-mail junster1@yahoo.com

on my dell its control + f11

and you are allowed to make 1 recovery cd (full xp sp2 cd actually) using the dell utility (dont think this exists in post 2005 models)

hey my windows xp professional wont load!! i have a IBM lenovo laptop i have no Cd with it, was already installed when i bought it!! Ive tried everything possible to fix this problem it was working fine 2days ago no problems, now it starts to load windows and then goes to a black screen?? any help with this would be grateful thanks

The Power went out at my house right as soon as I turned my computer on it is a Compaq with a 2 GHz AMD Althon something or another processor....but any way... it goes as far as "We apologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start successfully. A recent harware or software change might have caused this.

Start in safe mode.
Safe mode with networking.
Safe mode with command prompt.
Last known good configuration setting (most recent setting that worked). Start Windows normally." and none of them work.... i havent deleted any thing or downloaded any thing on this computer since i got it and i dont have the windows installation disc either.... is there any way i could fix this problem with a windows update disc ? or is there another alturnitve?

i am having the same error as jeff had. since my pc has winxp with sp3, i am worried that when i put my xp sp1 disk in it will wipe all my files. what can i do about this?

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