Hi there....

I've been experiencing an intermittent problem sending emails using Outlook 2002. The error message I receive is: 'Relaying denied'.

I'm told this problem might be resolved if I change the settings to 'Pop-before-SMTP' but I can't find this on Outlook 2002 and some articles I've read online even suggest that its automatically configured like this on Outlook 2002.

Does anyone know where I can find these settings?

in outlook /tools /accounts /properties .not sure if you will find the problem there because it should be setup pop -smtp default

Thanks for your reply caperjack. Did you have any other ideas what might be causing this?

Here's a copy of the error email:
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

Subject: TBA

Sent: 16/07/2004 16:03

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

[email="'miguel@hotel.net'"]'miguel@hotel.net'[/email] on 16/07/2004 16:03

550 5.7.1 <'miguel@hotel.net'>... Relaying denied

The POP-before-SMTP authentication scheme usually has a time limit associated with it. If you haven't authenticated to the POP server (by checking your mail) within the specified timeout window, you may get the 550 error. The next time it happens, try checking your mail first and then resend the message.

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