Hi, my specs: WinXP sp1.
1GB DDR ram
Cicero computer (don't know the model #)
ATI RADEON 9800 pro 128mb
hope that's enough. Here's the problem:
I recently upgraded from an 8500 LE to my 9800 pro. I'm not sure if that is the problem or not, because my computer would crash before too. It seems to only crash during games, ANY game it seems, although just today after it crashed to desktop it rebooted itself a few seconds later. I said WTF?!?! Another new symptom I've noticed is that whenever it hangs, (i forgot to mention it's hanging alot too, mostly in games) and I reboot I get a message on my desktop saying that windows has temporarily disabled Active Desktop. I never got that message before. That's all I can think to mention at the moment. I was talking to a guy about this and after asking me some questions suggested that my registry is possibly screwed up. Would that cause these symptoms? So do I really need to go about the task of reinstalling windows? Any help is much appreciated.