I need to prevent users from logging out of windows or locking the screen, I found the registry entry to remove the logoff button but can remember how to disable the windows + L key combination. Had a google and couldn't find the answer :( I'm sure it’s incredibly simple but I can't find it.

Thanks in advance.

I think you can remove the option to lock the Computer using Group Polices. Not sure if that is what you are looking to do?


Group policy doesnt exist in Home Edition

On home I think a program called "TweakUI" can do it.

I downloaded TweakUI but can't seem to find the setting I need. It may be that I'm just blind :)

Sorry forgot to say I'm using XP in a work group setting. Don't suppose anyone knows exactly where the entire I need would be?

Don't worry found the answer :)

In the Group Policy (GP) setting . Click edit GP and expend
user configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> select
Ctrl+Alt+Del option -> double click Remove Lock Computer and select Enable.
Click OK and close Group Policy Editor.

I found this but it didn't seem to work until I also disabled fast user switching.

Thanks for the help :)

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